Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 10:54:32 -0500 Subject: Re: after PMC >>> Eric: >>> I have been enjoying the current level of activity at this site. The posts are thoughtful and provocative. However, it also seems that there has not been that much actual discussion of TPC. I unilaterally began outlining TPC because it didn't seem we were actually discussing the text here as planned. -------------- The guidance of your posts has really kept this project from falling apart altogether, Eric. I'd like to think that that is all the discussion needs though, more individual consciousness of what we're trying to do, and a reminder from one another once in a while. I'd like to apologize from my past and future distracting outsider outbursts. I don't consider myself a part of the discussion really, but an interested spectator. A casual structure is best though, in my opinion. If I wanted to speed or focus the process, I would try to do it with effective posts rather than with time limits and rules. Ed Atkeson
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