File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 29

Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 11:06:19 -0800
Subject: Re: after PMC


I see myself as having disrupted your reading, not having
read your rules and so forth.  I didn't even realize you
were having a shared reading.  Please do carry on.  Does
this mean that you don't want any off topic posts (meaning
not tightly tied to the readings) on this list until your
readings are through?

I don't think I'll participate in the shared reading at
this time, but let me suggest that it is sometimes useful
in such readings to post difficult passages for people to
respond to.  Sometimes the disputes of meaning are easier
to understand and unravel when there is an excerpt to
center the conversation -- or so I have found.

..Lois Shawver


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