File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 31

Date: Sat, 31 Oct 1998 14:14:27 +0100
Subject: Re: after PMC

Not to speak for Eric, but off topic posts are more than fine! This reading
is schduled to conclude at the end of the month and I know I have found
your posts most enjoyable.

I like your suggestions, Lois. What we may want to do, as a group, is
contact the publisher for permission to posts part of the next reading,
which is looking like The Differend, to a website and/or the list. Again,
comments are appreciated on this matter.

L-listers:  we are discussing Jameson's forward as a wrap up to our
discussion of PMC. See our suggested schedule at:

>I see myself as having disrupted your reading, not having
>read your rules and so forth.  I didn't even realize you
>were having a shared reading.  Please do carry on.  Does
>this mean that you don't want any off topic posts (meaning
>not tightly tied to the readings) on this list until your
>readings are through?
>I don't think I'll participate in the shared reading at
>this time, but let me suggest that it is sometimes useful
>in such readings to post difficult passages for people to
>respond to.  Sometimes the disputes of meaning are easier
>to understand and unravel when there is an excerpt to
>center the conversation -- or so I have found.
>..Lois Shawver


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