Subject: Re: after PMC Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 15:54:19 -0600 >Eric, > >I see myself as having disrupted your reading, not having >read your rules and so forth. I didn't even realize you >were having a shared reading. Please do carry on. Does >this mean that you don't want any off topic posts (meaning >not tightly tied to the readings) on this list until your >readings are through? > >I don't think I'll participate in the shared reading at >this time, but let me suggest that it is sometimes useful >in such readings to post difficult passages for people to >respond to. Sometimes the disputes of meaning are easier >to understand and unravel when there is an excerpt to >center the conversation -- or so I have found. > >..Lois Shawver No, this is not what I meant at all this is not what I meant at all I seem to have added to the confusion. I am sorry about that. In the first place,whether structured or unstructured, any reading we do should not be the exclusive conversation on this site, in my opinion. I personally welcome a wide range of conversation. (Ideally, Lyotard should present, at least in a tangential way, but this still opens quite a bit of territory; continents!) Lois, I personally value the comments you have been making. Please, don't feel like you have disrupted anything. I have the same problems as everyone else in keeping to a schedule, so I am very open to finding ways to cover texts and topics, while keeping things as flexible as possible. (As I am reading everyone's responses, I am suddenly feeling very anal retentive. Believe me, this is a whole new experience for me to have.) My feeling is we are moving in the right direction, and I am getting a strong message that we should keep the discussion open and flexible. I agree with this. I apologize if I came across earlier as critical or negative. I just want to find ways to enhance the process here.
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