File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 34

Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 14:56:47 -0700
Subject: Re: after PMC

I wish had more time to respond, but I agree with Ed, a spontaneous
discussion seems more in the spirit of LD. The task remains, of course, of
reflecting on the rules that govern the way we link onto each other's
-Alan K. Smith
>>>> Eric:
>>>> I have been enjoying the current level of activity at this site.  The
>>>>posts are thoughtful and provocative.  However, it also seems that there
>>>>has not been that much actual discussion of TPC.
>I unilaterally began outlining TPC because it didn't seem we were
>actually discussing the text here as planned.
>    The guidance of your posts has really kept this project from falling
>apart altogether, Eric.  I'd like to think that that is all the
>discussion needs though, more individual consciousness of what we're
>trying to do, and a reminder from one another once in a while.
>    I'd like to apologize from my past and future distracting outsider
>outbursts. I don't consider myself a part of the discussion really, but
>an interested spectator.
>    A casual structure is best though, in my opinion. If I wanted to
>speed or focus the process, I would try to do it with effective posts
>rather than with time limits and rules.
>Ed Atkeson


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