File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 4

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 10:03:21 +0100
Subject: after PMC

I hope others on our list feel as I do that our discussion of PMC has been
invigorating and enlightening. Just a reminder that we are progressing
through the text with a schedule in mind (This can be viewed at:

It is time to start thinking about how our discussions may be structured
once our discussion of PMC is complete. Discussions of this sort of another
Lyotard book has been mentioned. Those books that have been brought to my
attention that  are of interest includele:

	The Differend
	The Lybidinal Economy
	The Inhuman

If any L-listers have other ideas to focus our discussion, please share
them. It has been mentioned that "The Differend" is more complex in nature,
and we may want to save this for another time.  I, personally, dont think
we should shy away from it because it is complex. "The Inhuman" might be a
good choice as it will allow us to consider a variety of topics.

Let's share those opinions so we can move on to further quality discussion
after the New Year.


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