File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 46

Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 17:16:18 -0800
Subject: Re: THE Metanarrative wrote:
> Hugh wrote:
> <<<Not exactly a global village, but a very exclusive neighborhood.
> Fortune Magazine reported the top ten global companies harvested $1.3
> trillion
> or about $200 per capita if related to the world population of 6
> billion.>>>
> Don Smith Replies:
> Why isn't the hegemony that convinces the average person that corporitist
> oppression is in their own best interest considered a metanarrative? Why
> doesn't Lyotard consider the claim that system performance must be the guiding
> principle of a democratic society a metanarrative? He goes to some length
> explaining how it operates. I'm afraid I'm confused as to Lyotard's position
> on perfomativity.
> Don


I'm also confused.  I think a previous post related performativity to
Austin. In Le Differend it is related to phrases such as "the meeting
is open", or "war is declared".

In terms of system performance, which you mention above, I think of the
needs of profit-making systems and technology systems they employ.

New technology offers large profits.  Capital is invested, products or
services are produced.  Individuals  adapt to working conditions, wages,
commute time etc.  Consumers adapt to travel time, waiting time,
financing, education about the new product.

Think computers and HMO's.



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