Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 01:00:04 -0800 Subject: Postmodernizing the Unconscious Please permit me to announce a publication of a paper that is relevant to this list? It is: Shawver, L. (1998). Postmodernizing the unconscious with help of Derrida and Lyotard. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 58(4), 361-390. Outline The Implicit Figurative Imagery of the Freudian Unconscious The Art of Deconstructive Reading A Deconstructive Reading of Freud's Metaphors A Deconstructive Reading of Freud's Parables How Postmodern Was Freud's Writing? Our Escape from This Logocentric Closure Paralogy The Local and Provisional Little Narrative Agonistics versus Transvaluation Postmodernizing the Unconscious If you're interested in an Etext, please write me privately. ..Lois Shawver
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