File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 59

Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 15:26:50 +0200 (EET DST)
Subject: Re: legitimation

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Ed Atkeson wrote:

> mark:
> >>> What Lyotard tracks in this book is the emergence of performativity as the dominant prescriptive. To make a move in this game becomes about communication, efficiency, context control.
> ------------
> I follow your explanation I think. thanks for the words. And thanks to
> Lois for her page and all, this is all pretty hard for me but
> interesting, I read the Hatcher paper, but then couldn't find the
> rebuttal when I went back, I learned to work with the vocabulary a bit
> better anyway. 
> In the quote above, do you mean performativity in the sense of peak
> performance of western society?
Why do you call it "peak performance of WS"? Performativity in Lyotard`s
context has not chare anything common with performance ; except its
grammatical meaning.
 Where the performance of the system is
> steered by everyone who is figuring the angles
Is the figuration of angles quit the same with "definition of field
research", "drawning of the access to the territory of legitime science"? 

 to gather resources --:

> industry looking for profits, 
institutions looking for grants
scientists looking for jobs --
 An almost darvinistic point of view  , fight for resources, survival of
the fittest.
 In other words a kind of bottom-line
> system?   Is this the overarching -- narrative -- determining the
> prescriptives of the scientific game?
> Thanks, 
> Ed  Atkeson


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