Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 09:28:51 -0500 Subject: Re: legitimation EA>>> In the quote above, do you mean performativity in the sense of peak performance of western society? Vadim>>> Why do you call it "peak performance of WS"? Performativity in Lyotard`s context has not chare anything common with performance ; except its grammatical meaning. ------------- Oh. EA>>> Where the performance of the system is steered by everyone who is figuring the angles. Vadim>>> Is the figuration of angles quit the same with "definition of field research", "drawning of the access to the territory of legitime science"? ------------- A hesitant yes. Though I'm probably misunderstanding this question, not grasping the concept of performativity. Also, the coloquial "angles" may be skewing things. My futility sensors are starting to twitch. EA>>> to gather resources -- industry looking for profits, institutions looking for grants, scientists looking for jobs -- Vadim>>> An almost darvinistic point of view, fight for resources, survival of the fittest. -------------- Well yeh, each leaf turns toward the sun, with increasing effect. The trunk is less sure. &&&&&&&&&&&& See you around the neighborhood, best wishes to all for the holidays, it's been interesting. Thanks, Ed Atkeson
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