File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 84

Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 14:39:10 -0800
Subject: Re: Ludens is the Father of All Things

Ariosto Raggo wrote:
> On pg. 61 of PMC, Lyotard says clearly that paralogy is not innovation,
> does not bring into play the next/new which is why it is not an
> aesthetic sort of gaming stimulating our need for the latest hit from
> the spectacle which we all love to consume. As dissensus it throws into
> confusion the capicity for explanation. A process he likens to Thom's
> morphogenesis, localised catastrophes working through 'blind spots'. A
> blind spot, for instance, at that point, where water cooling down, is
> no longer fluid and yet is not solid ice. As I see it then, an Event
> which displaces the aesthetic concept of the new, pulls in two
> different directions at once. Communication, the exchange of posts, is
> then as paralogical dissension, a construction of paradoxes that
> interrupt, shake up the tendency of thought to settle down, without
> contradiction, in subtantives and adjectives.  This seems to be, the
> exigency of communicative responsibility, its agonic and festive
> potentiality where as in the medieval carnival everything goes topsy
> turvy and becomes matter for monkey business, the work of idiotic,
> radical empiricist, closer to Job than Socrates, write D&G in _What is
> Philosphy?_. Deleuze talks about the Greek Agon, in many places, and
> first of all, it displaces the notion of consensus, or the idea of
> western democratic conversation. The Agon is a struggle with ri concept's
> friend; he is potentiality of the concept." There is nothing here to do
> with discourse as a propositional conversation dealing in the
> subject-predicate order but unpredictable, pure events.
> ari


Just when I thought I was beginning to understand.......



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