File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 85

Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 10:26:07 -0800
Subject: RE: Ludens is the Father of All Things (subject should be paralog y,

-----Original Message-----
From: Ariosto Raggo 

<<<On pg. 61 of PMC, Lyotard says clearly that paralogy is not innovation,
does not bring into play the next/new which is why it is not an
aesthetic sort of gaming stimulating our need for the latest hit from
the spectacle which we all love to consume. As dissensus it throws into
confusion the capicity for explanation. A process he likens to Thom's
morphogenesis, localised catastrophes working through 'blind spots'. A
blind spot, for instance, at that point, where water cooling down, is
no longer fluid and yet is not solid ice. As I see it then, an Event
which displaces the aesthetic concept of the new, pulls in two
different directions at once. Communication, the exchange of posts, is
then as paralogical dissension, a construction of paradoxes that
interrupt, shake up the tendency of thought to settle down, without
contradiction, in subtantives and adjectives.  This seems to be, the
exigency of communicative responsibility, its agonic and festive
potentiality where as in the medieval carnival everything goes topsy
turvy and becomes matter for monkey business, the work of idiotic,
radical empiricist, closer to Job than Socrates, write D&G in _What is
Philosphy?_. Deleuze talks about the Greek Agon, in many places, and
first of all, it displaces the notion of consensus, or the idea of
western democratic conversation. The Agon is a struggle with ri concept's
friend; he is potentiality of the concept." There is nothing here to do
with discourse as a propositional conversation dealing in the
subject-predicate order but unpredictable, pure events.>>>

Don Smith replies:
So Lyotard uses the term paralogy to describe local postmodern language
games as he saw them rather then prescribing language games that could lead
to more open discourses? Too bad. I guess it was just my old "modern" habit
of searching for new techniques to escape the oppression of modernism that
led me astray. 



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