File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 90

Subject: Paralogy
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 01:11:59 -0500 (EST)

Lois, thanks for the close reading. On 61, it seems that "pragmatics of
knowledge" doesn't refer either to narrative or scientific knowledge.
This knowledge involves a "move", a digression from the consensus which
posits "the existence of a power that destabilizes the capacity for
explanation, manifested in the promulgation of new norms for
understanding" (pg61). The emphasis lyotard writes, in section 14,
falls on dissension. In section 7 on the pragmatics of scientific
knowledge he compares the two pragmatics on pg25-26. Paragraph 5
catches my attention. There, it is the game of science that "implies a
diachronic temporality, that is, a memory and a project." In this game,
the tendency is to use accent rather than rhythm which as I think
implies an amnesiac operation. The past is forgotten, dropped, a
new adventure of language and its game draws the attention of your

I am not finished, I'll have to drop this here for now.




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