Subject: Becoming-expressive of rhythm Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:15:05 -0500 (EST) The quote from a 1000 Plateaus on the T-factor which comes from the chapter on the refrain with all those descriptions of bird songs and dances. In what is philosophy?, the refrain as the becoming expressive of rhythm which deterritorializes or constructs new language games, is the concept of the concept as a practice which D&G says is not art which works with affects. What I'm wondering is how this becoming expressive of rhythm relates to memory which when working in conjunction with the imagination constitutes consciousness? The "hypothesis" that lyotard refers to on 61 seems to be that of the first section where "the general situation is one of temporal disjunction which makes sketching an overview difficult" and moreover, we need not have "too much faith in futurology". I mean, what Lyotard says about IBM should draw a smile from us today but telematics is largely a question of memory, how are data banks being used, accesed, theorized, etc. Lyotard's conclusion is that the path of computerization should take that which gives "the public free access to the memory and data banks" (pg 67). If innovation isn't fully paralogy but paralogy necessarily involves innovation ( I still doubt this, I think its important to separate the idea of the new and events -- see for instance, the last page of _The Sublime And The Avant-Garde_), it seems to involve this operation of rhythm as counter-memory which would then be a sort of filter of information that would allow one a way of 'conceiving' what "access" to data banks could mean as a critical activity that respects both justice and the unknown. Maybe a look at _Logos and Techne, or Telegraphy_ could help working through more blind spots. there is more "moves" I want to try but I really have to finish a paper, I'll try to keep this up the best i can while I write it, it's on memory and active forgetting concentrated around texts by Derrida so this isn't too much of a delightful distraction. ari -- --
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