Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:30:15 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: Becoming-expressive of rhythm > banks" (pg 67). If innovation isn't fully paralogy but paralogy > necessarily involves innovation ( I still doubt this, I think its > important to separate the idea of the new and events -- see for > instance, the last page of _The Sublime And The Avant-Garde_), it seems > to involve this operation of rhythm as counter-memory which would then > be a sort of filter of information that would allow one a way of > 'conceiving' what "access" to data banks could mean as a critical > activity that respects both justice and the unknown. Maybe a look at > _Logos and Techne, or Telegraphy_ could help working through more blind > spots. paralogy is not innovation, you are correct. Thus the distinction between invention and innovation. There is a relevant article in the most recent PMLA by Derek Attridge--perhaps I'll blurb it when I have finished it. But he points out something that I was not aware of, namely that "inventio" goes back to a tradition of rhetoric (vs. philosophy's anamnesis).... --mark
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