Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:47:00 -0800 Subject: Offering PARALOGIC OFFERING I. perceive the world's contingency put away the mad, the strange, the suspect in the light of burned-out stars a mortal life gutters out II. beneath blood-sodden skies a god is laughing like a child a green frog dead upon the grass here on the slaying ground a painted god sheds painted tears III. the tattered lives of epileptic saints where passion dreams eroded by unending sorrow IV. came to a land of starving dogs the birds are singing out of tune manic killers in the streets covered bodies in dark rooms candelabra in the gloom boots crunch on cobblestones a murmur from the town the deadened conscience of the world why does the hangman pause? V. yes, oh yes, God's dead", he said let's write an ode to Nietsche's mom VI. I'm singing trees and birds and flowers a buoyant breath of life and song dappled shadows drifting by press crusted leaves against the eyes VII. upon the eyelids of the dead a veil of silence a veil of wallness trembling dust a gasping bird the village sleeps beneath the moon a fluency of architectures always the wind, and swirl of leaves IX. words, like splinters pierce our veins darkness thickens, boulders sleep we have recourse to the shrink poetry and dreams the soul a-tremble... beneath the shell-white moon X. beside our hut of sticks and reeds amid the shadows of the the trees every 100 years all new people make speeches and show charts XI. sing softly in a minor key sing softly as a cradled child sing how the moment now exists XII. dreams and distance drowsy sweetness of desire human information processors with legs trudge down the road of life
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