File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_1998/lyotard.9812, message 98

Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 07:59:53 -0500
Subject: RE: Events

-Ari wrote
< That which we called thought must be disarmed." This unilateral
disarmament of
<Listening with the third ear is not a
<matter of concentrated attention but an attitude where "you have to
<impoverish your mind, clean it out as much as possible, so that you
<make it incapable of anticipating the meaning...,

Don Smith replies:
This project of "hermeneutic suspension" it seems was picked up by Husserell
and carried forth by poststructuarlist philosophers like Derrida, Lyotard
and others. I think it assumes as a starting point, as identified by Marx
and elaborated  by the Frankfort school,  that we are in great part
culturally determined. Postructuarlist deconstruction is one way to
understand the ways in which our consciousness has been formed and helps to
accomplish the things Ari mentions above. I think this all ties in with
paralogy in that in order to challenge metanarratives one needs to
understand the way in which they have constituted the self. From there we
can move on to setting new local rules in new local games and free ourselves
from the oppression of hegemony. Please understand that I am not posing as
an expert. I am just putting out my opinion to test my understanding.

Don Smith   



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