Subject: RE: Lyotard on 'disconsensus'? Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 10:24:48 -0800 What are cognitive dissidents? Sounds very close to Festinger's notion of cognitive dissonance. ..Lois Shawver -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sharon O'Toole Dubois Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 6:28 PM To: Subject: Lyotard on 'disconsensus'? Hello, I am writing an article on cognitive dissidents and I'm looking for information on Lyotard's discussion of consensus and dis/de(?)consensus. If anyone knows where I might find this thread of his thought, I will be most appreciative. SMOD /////////////////////////////////////// Sharon O'Toole Dubois Davis Humanities Institute (752-2295) U.C. Davis Web:
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