Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 12:17:26 -0500 Subject: Re: Lyotard on 'disconsensus'? Sharon O'Toole Dubois wrote: > I am writing an article on cognitive dissidents and I'm looking for > information on Lyotard's discussion of consensus and dis/de(?)consensus. > If anyone knows where I might find this thread of his thought, I will be > most appreciative. one place you might consider is lyotard's "postmodern fables." it contains lyotard's after-the-event (so to speak) comments on a debate held with rorty, wherein the question of consensus was prominant. (i can't remember if it includes a published source for the debate itself.) if you have time, you might also look at eco's new "kant and the platypus: essays on language and cognition." lyotard isn't discussed, but issues of cognition, language, and consensus are, as well as examinations of kant and heidegger. brent ... palimpsest: beauty:
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