File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2000/lyotard.0002, message 3

Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 22:37:29 -0500
From: "J.B. Sclisizzi" <>
Subject: re: Postmodern Dreaming

Richard Wilkerson wrote:
>>>  1. A suggested course of reading
   2. A Starting point>>>

about ten years ago lyotard commented that he'd only really written
three books:  libidinal economy, discourse, figure, and the differend.
the other publications, including the postmodern condition and just
gaming (au juste), were "studies" towards those books.  as a starting
point, i'd suggest the differend, although the earlier works deal more
with psychoanalytic theory, including lyotard's criticisms of lacan ...

>>>The only thing that saved me was I had been studying James Hillman's
work for sometime, which is kind of the postmodern response to Jung.>>>

yes, i always thought hillman was trying to do for jung what lacan did
for freud.  hillman takes the same terms, such as condensation and
displacement, which lacan relates to metaphor and metonymy, and
"revisions" them as ways of speaking poetically, rhetorically and
symbolically (see, for instance, revisioning psychology); but while
lacan is rooted in the sign, and especially the signifier, hillman is
more concerned with the symbolic image....

>>>( I have read "The dreamwork does not think" but again, feel
writers were/are too steeped in theories of dreaming that were
1900s and earlier. Most of the theorizing was pre-REM studies)>>>

your project sounds interesting.  what i'm not sure about (but what
interests me) is that hermeneutic moment of assuming that the dream has
a meaning ...

brent ....


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