File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2000/lyotard.0002, message 5

Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 22:27:55 -0800
From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <>
Subject: Dream Signs


At 10:37 PM 2/3/00 -0500, you wrote:
>yes, i always thought hillman was trying to do for jung what lacan did
>for freud.  hillman takes the same terms, such as condensation and
>displacement, which lacan relates to metaphor and metonymy, and
>"revisions" them as ways of speaking poetically, rhetorically and
>symbolically (see, for instance, revisioning psychology); but while
>lacan is rooted in the sign, and especially the signifier, hillman is
>more concerned with the symbolic image....

    And  Lacan and Hillman both remove the central figure, and replace it 
with nothing, thereby allowing everything else to unfold.
    I also like to contrast Baudrillard and Jung in terms of sign and 
symbol. Both were concerned about culture shifting from the symbolic to the 
sign. But Jung focused on the symbolic, Baudrillard on the sign.

very interesting,



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