File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2000/lyotard.0002, message 8

Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 09:15:23 -0800
From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <>
Subject: Re: Dream Signs


  Thank you again for the book references.  I have tried to read 
Ricour's  Rule of... and the Symbolism of Evil... both of which were full 
of great ideas, but I couldn't make it through the full texts.

    I wanted to ask about the use of the word "symbol" in philosophy. It 
seems to be one of those magical words that everyone must re-define for 
themselves.  I come from a Jungian background, so it was so re-defined that 
it means (to jungians) something quite different than what it means to 
semiotics or the general public.

1. How is the term "symbol" generally understood by most philosophy groups? 
By Lyotard?

2. What is/are the terms used to mean symbolism in the way Jung used it? 
That is, that a symbol was the best possible expression of two irrational 
and irreconcilable differences that were living, and coming into 
consciousness, but never fully realized.



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