File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0103, message 41

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 00:04:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Orpheus <>
Subject: Note on the poems of Dr. Eugene Vickery (fwd)

I thought since some of you Brits was saying it was all goin
to pieces over there what with the disease of Cow this and cow
that ; well I though yer might be innarested in some poetryies from
ole britain scene brit irish lists;
		By the Wa: Re Cow Disease In Ulysses SDedalus
	has o chit chat with certain Father Deasy about
	the irish cow malady: ItIt seems to me Mister
	Joyce was a prophet ahead of His time as perusual. with
	poets being the unacknowledge legilators ofthe words as per Shelly
most famous but these days now forggotten comment

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 20:49:02 -0600
From: kent johnson <kljohnson45-AT-HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Note on the poems of Dr. Eugene Vickery

Dr. Eugene Vickery is quite simply the WCW of the rural midwest. Like
Williams a house doctor. He once met Williams in the 40's, sent him some
poems and received a very strong letter back. The poems Vickery was writing
then were "experimental" (albeit inflected with 19th century language),
influenced by Pound, Spring and All, even
cummings, some of them. He also played ukelele in Gene Autrey's radio band,
and was on Ronald Reagan's radio show for a couple-months stint in, I
beleive, the 40's.

The later (60's on) folksy work, however (and the poem I sent is
representative-- all of this poetry is rocking-chair iambic and strictly
rhymed), is what Vickery regarded as his best and most avant-garde writing.
He explains this in a gotta-rub-your-eyes interview I did with him a couple
years before his death. Just wait. He destroys and reconfigures some of our
most hallowed beliefs. I am convinced that Vickery is a master, and will
become quite the talk of the town once I begin to release a substantial
amount of this material.

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