File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0104, message 69

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:52:17 -0400
From: hugh bone <>
Subject: Before we co-lapse into cognitive quagmires

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


                          SUBLIME IN EARNEST

                   let us embrace the summer's dawn
                        experience random solitude

                          sing softly in a minor key
                               your own reality

                              the soul a-tremble
                               fragile and alone

                     where mountains touch the sky

                      all things in the world pass by
                            leaving scarce a trace

                    beside our hut of sticks and reeds
                           branches dripping rain

                       crystal pools beneath the trees
                           water, stones and stars

                               beauty and terror



                          SUBLIME IN EARNEST
                   let us embrace the summer's dawn
                        experience random solitude
                          sing softly in a minor key
                               your own reality
                              the soul a-tremble
                               fragile and alone
                     where mountains touch the sky
                      all things in the world pass by
                            leaving scarce a trace
                    beside our hut of sticks and reeds
                           branches dripping rain
                       crystal pools beneath the trees
                           water, stones and stars
                               beauty and terror

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