File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0106, message 20

Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 14:54:46 -0400
From: hugh bone <>
Subject: Re: Michel Serres

Apologies! - the link did not transmit

Search HotBot-"Michel Serres", exact phrase, 100 items

The site appears as "8.Conference de Michel Serres."

> Eric wrote,
> > > In order to accomplish this feat, the Protestant work ethic would need
> > > to be replaced by a new ethic, a new social contract, one for which
> > > Michel Serres among others has eloquently argued.  Perhaps, it would
> > > also require a new religious understanding such as that provided by
> > > Epicurean ideal of ataraxia. (but that is a topic for another time.)
> French readers can learn about Serres at this link:
> tml


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