File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0107, message 171

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 19:42:43 -0700
From: Sissy <>
Subject: Re: Paralogy in psychology

Sorry forget to add not everyone's plotting and tracing especially those
on the planets farthest away from the heat of the son were taken
into serious consideration. If as you presented paralogy it actually
played out it would be a different story.

Sissy wrote:

> Hmm it could be however it's played out time after time in
> demonstration where the one tracing or plotting the the path of other
> planets relative to its own those whose tracings and plotting are
> taken with seriousness have been in the social position of authority on
> all planets and orbits and have dismissed the importance of examining their
> own plots and tracings and have not respected and legitimized all planets
> but only very predictable planets and orbits those closer and taking heat
> from the son.  Also all orbits were not placed under the tracing or plotting
> only certain planets and orbits were considered ok to examine plot and trace.
> Glen Fuller wrote:
> > Hey Sissy,
> >
> > So could paralogy be like in astrophysics (I have used this analogy before,
> > I think, doing something else?) when tracing or plotting the path of other
> > planets relative to your own? No one planet is on THE orbit, and each orbit
> > should be acknowledged and respected as legitimate. Just because some
> > receive more heat (closer to the sun maybe) doesn't necessarily mean their
> > orbit is more important. Or deserve more gravity.
> >
> > But then of course you have meteors flying in from elsewhere and causing
> > constenations in the constelations... you know like in Deep Impact or was
> > that an asteroid?
> >
> > Glen.
> >
> > >From: Sissy <>
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To:
> > >Subject: Re: Paralogy in psychology
> > >Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 11:39:20 -0700
> > >
> > >Hi Glen and All
> > >while considering the notions of  brainstorming, free association,
> > >hypothetical,
> > >as if, avoidance of strict definitions how does that fit together and lead
> > >to
> > >the below entirely developed technique of  "generous listening" in the
> > >below
> > >definition from a dictionary?
> > >generous listening (or reading) - term for one of the things we do to
> > >promote
> > >paralogy. It involves
> > >accepting the other person's key terms in their distinctive senses.
> > >Generous
> > >listening does not require us to accept the other person's conclusions, but
> > >it
> > >does require us to be generous in their distinctive use of words.  It is to
> > >be
> > >distinguished from critical listening.
> > >Don't know about any one else but this certainly doesn't fit together with
> > >free
> > >association hypothetic
> > >as if and avoidance of strict definitions in my mind, leaving alone that as
> > >it's
> > >defined generous listening
> > >is the practice of listening consumers identify as that of a rapist who
> > >generously hears a woman's
> > >screams of NO and doesn't accept that NO as a respected conclusion. Another
> > >reason consumers
> > >don't see any hope of just politics in the notion of paralogy if this is
> > >what it
> > >produces as a form of
> > >listening.
> >
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