File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0107, message 173

Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 08:52:48 +0100
Subject: Re: marxist grand narrative - the return?


On that basis I take it that no intellectual work has any validity... and that
political action is bound to fail.

You are such a tory Hugh.

The authors mentioned, amoungst others that could be named, are getting
attention because 1) they are raising important issues related to the
contemporary society 2) the end of history did not happen... 3) temporarily,
some of the authors mentioned have become part of the media circus. This does
not however change the fact that the joint work of Negri and Hardt remains of



hbone wrote:

> Steve/ All,
> > For example the continuing existence of marxist critiques of the
> > postmodern era, suggest that there is a growing resurgence in this
> > specific form of thought. This does not in itself revalidate theories of
> > marxist revolution, however from Negri, Hardt, Hirst and Thompson there
> > are signs that the oldest and most long lasting critique of capitalism
> > may not have dissappeared into the abyss of the grand narratives...
> >
> > Or do you think that the death of the soviet superpower ensured the
> > death of the narrative of human liberation?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> No.
> The above authors are getting attention because capitalism is now, and real,
> and more efficient than ever, although to some degree, masked by the
> proliferation of small0 nations, the power of international agencies,  the
> confusion of protesters at international meetings..
> While philosophers quibble, the multi-millionaires, and multi-billionaires
> acquire more properties, extract greater wealth from ever-larger
> populations.  Corporations they own, legislators they buy, workers they
> exploit, are puppets.
> Protesters flail at multiple targets without focus or unity of purpose.
> regards,
> Hugh


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