File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0107, message 49

Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 23:42:55 -0100
From: hbone <>
Subject: Re: globalisation:

Eric and All,
The Soviet collapse didn't negate Lyotard, but accelerated some of the
trends he reported, and stimulated new ones.  Destruction of natural
resources, forced migration of indigenous populations, the many wars in
Africa, for example.

I think the cultural beginnings of postmodernism date back to the 1920's.
Tearing up the old, seeking something new in visual and literary arts.  And
that will most likely continue for the indefinite future, so its not,
literally chronological


> hbone wrote:
> the "Postmodern Condition" of Lyotard was based on the years preceding
> the Soviet collapse.  And that collapese commenced the stampede to
> corporate domination we call globalization.
> Hugh,
> I wouldn't worry too much about wasted keystrokes on Marx and
> Postmodernism.  To the extent these remain open concepts, they have not
> been exhausted.  And if you don't like this terminology, how about
> naming these concepts a hydra instead - the many-headed mythological
> beast whose chief characteristic is each time one head is lopped off,
> another returns to take its place.  So despite the various defeats
> progressive movements have been heir to during the past century,
> something new has emerged each time to take the defeated partys' place
> and on continue again. Link one of Beckett's tramps getting up to
> continue down the road. The government/media/corporations are always
> saying it is the end of ideology, the end of history, the end of
> politics, the end everything that isn't capitalism. But deep down inside
> their guts, however, they know the Lexus is rusty and the olive tree is
> barren.
> >From this perspective, I am not sure that globalism can be described as
> something that happened after postmodernism and which therefore
> supercedes Lyotard. Rather it seems to me (loosely) that the crisis in
> the seventies that gave birth to postmodernism also gave birth to the
> neo-liberalism that in turn gave rise to the form of globalism so
> prevalent today.  It isn't simply that postmodernism is a chronological
> concept.  Postmodern points to a crisis; just as neo-liberalism does.
> The light refracts as it passes through the various prisms. But how
> precisely does globalism negate anything Lyotard said?


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