File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0108, message 25

Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2001 21:05:27 +1000
From: Reg Mifflin <>
Subject: Re: What is Empire about?

Thanks Hugh, an invaluable and generous service.

At 01:14 PM 8/4/01 -0100, you wrote:
>   Eric, Steve/ All   The short answer is: 496  pages.         Also
>searching for  sections, headings, text, of interest.      But a lot of his
>contemporaries did meet  them.       is teaching literature at Duke, and
>says he will  get a degree in Paris when he completes his thesis.  
>Scanning the online version, of Empire, I  found the first few hundred
>pages to be of considerable       "measure", and the occasional reification
>of terms like "power", and "imperial  capital" as if they were natural
>entities/phenomena that cause human  problems.   Remembering the Lyotard of
>"Le Differend",  who stressed the importance and difficulty of
>communicating with words, and the  indispensable requirement that          
>   other paragraphs         Search for first words, NOT  page number.      
>      Scroll  to the first page on the list below, then enter first  words 
>                and you reach them in an instant.       opinions.  
>regards, Hugh                    
>396 - centered on the production of  subjectivity
>   397 - Only from the consciousness of the  uniqueness of my life arises
>         religion- science art
>398 - The complete deterritorialization of the  coming Empire
>      The multitude has  internalized the lack of place and fixed  time
>      - The coming imperial universe,  blind to meaning, is filled by the
>             present reality of  Empire.   400 - the indeterminate but
>uncontainable  will to innovation that drove the
>               d
>         cubism and abstractionism
>402 - The fundamental principle of Empire as we  have described it throughout
>         Imperial power  is
>        distributed in networks,  through mobile and articulated
mechanisms  of
>         control.
> 403 - the universe we live in is a universe  of productive linguistic
>         The lines of production and those of representation cros and  mix
>        in the same linguistic and  productive realm.
>406 - In reality we are masters of the world because  our desire and labor
>        regenerate it  continuously.
>416 - Mass migrations have become necessary for  production.
>       What we need to grasp is  how the multitude is organized  and
>         redefined as a positive  political power.
> 417 - Imperial capital does indeed attack  the movements of the multitude
>         it patrols the seas and the borders;  within         it divides
>and segregates; and in the world of labor              gender,  language,  
>                Even then, however, it must be careful not to restrict the
>productivity of  the           multitude too much because Empire too
>depends on this power 
>  -  What specific and concrete practices will animate this                
> "global citizenship".      Empire too depends on this  power.
>        In modernity, reality was not  conceivabl    conceivable except as
>a (real or  formal) a priori that corraled
>         being within a transcendent order    421 - a social wage and a
>guaranteed income  for all.
> philosophy has to become a              communication have to constitute
>life through struggle.
>   424 - the right to  reappropriate.
>425 - the earthly city must demonstrate its power as an  apparatus of the  
>       the  multitude. being-knowing-having power.
> 428 - a society in which the basis of power  is defined by the expression of
>        all.


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