File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0109, message 135

Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 14:41:55 +0100
From: "steve.devos" <>
Subject: refugees question


The numbers are difficult to quantify because an accurate number of 
refugees in the various countries is known to be high but no counts have 
takern place. In relation to Afghanistan refugees and migrants Iran has 
the highest numbers - somewhere between 1 to 3 million, the upper figure 
is probably more accurate, Pakistan has slightly over 1 million and the 
ex-soviet states (whose names I can't spell) around 200,000. As usual 
whilst the G20 countries make the most noise about the refugee/migrant 
issue the southern states have all the refugees. Iran hasn't, as far as 
I know had very much aid to date and there relationship to the current 
Afghanistan adventure may well be structured around gaining economic 
relief for the state and refugees...

Iran's population is around the same as France which is 60M - 3 million 
is a large number to support...

Incidentally its worth remembering that Iran is, I believe, an entirely 
different sect of Islam from Afghanistan. I'll check on the numbers... 
I'm not sure what the world total of refugees is but the current 
estimates which I do trust are that the yearly migration of human beings 
is averaging 36Million a year.... This includes all types of migrants 
and refugees.



hbone wrote:

>     Steve wrote:
>     Yes - what's interesting about this particular event is the extent
>     to which it is 'global' and appears to involve all the G20
>     countries as well as those who are trying to rejoin the global
>     community i.e. Iran, and are using this as a way out of their
>     isolationist positions. From this, perhaps/of course they'll get
>     the aid they desperately need to support the 3million afghan
>     refugees on the border... (the media representation of this number
>     is going down at the moment, perhaps to make them not have to
>     think about the recent hooha over a couple of thousand refugees
>     camped out at the french end of the cross channel tunnel....)
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     1) The refugee item is news to me.  Can you tell us more?
>     2) An NYTimes OpEd article today (Safire). states terrorists with
>     Katyusha rockets mounted on Toyota Landcruisers have been brought
>     into Kurdistan by various Arab terrorists, to assist Saddam
>     Hussein in reclaiming the "no-fly zone" which is presently
>     enforced by U.S. aircraft.  Because of his history of
>     using bio-agents, and defeat of inspection of Iraq's
>     continuing R&D of bio-weapons, Hussein is seen as the "boss of
>     bosses" of bio-terrorists, and worthy of a pre-emptive strike. 
>     Hugh



The numbers are difficult to quantify because an accurate number of refugees in the various countries is known to be high but no counts have takern place. In relation to Afghanistan refugees and migrants Iran has the highest numbers - somewhere between 1 to 3 million, the upper figure is probably more accurate, Pakistan has slightly over 1 million and the ex-soviet states (whose names I can't spell) around 200,000. As usual whilst the G20 countries make the most noise about the refugee/migrant issue the southern states have all the refugees. Iran hasn't, as far as I know had very much aid to date and there relationship to the current Afghanistan adventure may well be structured around gaining economic relief for the state and refugees...

Iran's population is around the same as France which is 60M - 3 million is a large number to support...

Incidentally its worth remembering that Iran is, I believe, an entirely different sect of Islam from Afghanistan. I'll check on the numbers... I'm not sure what the world total of refugees is but the current estimates which I do trust are that the yearly migration of human beings is averaging 36Million a year.... This includes all types of migrants and refugees.



hbone wrote:
Steve wrote:

Yes - what's interesting about this particular event is the extent to which it is 'global' and appears to involve all the G20 countries as well as those who are trying to rejoin the global community i.e. Iran, and are using this as a way out of their isolationist positions. From this, perhaps/of course they'll get the aid they desperately need to support the 3million afghan refugees on the border... (the media representation of this number is going down at the moment, perhaps to make them not have to think about the recent hooha over a couple of thousand refugees camped out at the french end of the cross channel tunnel....)

1) The refugee item is news to me.  Can you tell us more?
2) An NYTimes OpEd article today (Safire). states terrorists with Katyusha rockets mounted on Toyota Landcruisers have been brought into Kurdistan by various Arab terrorists, to assist Saddam Hussein in reclaiming the "no-fly zone" which is presently enforced by U.S. aircraft.  Because of his history of using bio-agents, and defeat of inspection of Iraq's continuing R&D of bio-weapons, Hussein is seen as the "boss of bosses" of bio-terrorists, and worthy of a pre-emptive strike. 


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