File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0110, message 2

Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 20:39:04 +0100
Subject: Re: media responses to 9/11


The actions of the gulf war and the post-gulf war actions of the USA 
State and the UK State acting unilaterally against the people of Iraq 
are not justified. Indeed the majority of the G8/14/20 countries 
correctly disagree with the tactics...

As I wait for the G8 countries in alliance with the USA to start a war - 
frankly I'm amazed that the USA has not already started bombing the 
people of Afghanistan - perhaps Bush is the most intelligent US 
president since Roosevelt or  are the rest of the G8 countries telling 
him what is required - I am still amazed by the level of  Colonial or 
should I say Post-Colonial language leaking out onto the web...

Read Lyotard on colonialism and Algeria... Then substitute France for 
the G8 countires, not surprisingly it's extremely relevant.



hbone wrote:

> Steve/Eric, All
> The root word for paranoia is a Greek word for 
> madness.  Paranoiacs have delusions, but d paranoids who lived 
> through the  WTC disaster share real enemies with all other survivors.
> The perpetrators of the crime cannot be punished.  Destroying Osama 
> Bin Laden will have as little effect on this new war as the demise of 
> international -fugitive Pablo Escobar had on the drug war.
> Justiice or vengeance would afford some satisfaction, but justice 
> requires perpetrators of
> a  past event, a task for the FBI.  Prevention requires a-priori 
> intelligence, a  task for the CIA.  Let's hope they cooperate
> Saddam Hussein was able to kill Kurds and others with bio-weapons many 
> years ago,
> and able to defeat international surveillance of his efforts to 
> increase the virulence of bio agents and to improve techniques of 
> dispersion.
> Because many countres did not observe sanctions, oil sales were 
> resumed, bio-weapons research was increased, the children continued to 
> suffer and die.  Would removal of sanctions help the children, or 
> would it only enhance development of more effective weapons?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> An interesting note on the "virus of terrorism" appeared on TV.  
> George Orwell was quoted on the corruption of language by thought and 
> the corruption of thought by language - the occasion for quoting 
> Orwell was a recent decision by Reuters to abstain from the term 
> "terrorist", as if describing an event by a different name(s) would 
> make it a different event.
> Terror "was" and terror "is".
> Manhattan is hundreds of communities.  Many of the persons known to 
> have perished, or believed to have perished came from communities, in 
> the suburbs, and include firemen, policemen, brokers and other 
> employees of investment firms. 
> Many in the WTC were from countries other than the U.S., and hundreds 
> of those persons are missing. 
> The "social bond", in Lyotard's terminology, is found in families, 
> extended families, congregations, and, to some extent, (despite 
> "downsizing" and replacement with "temps") it is found in the workplace. 
> The impact of 9-11 is portrayed in suburban communities where a 
> single congregation
> has had funerals for a dozen firemen, and some upscale congregations 
> have lost a dozen
> members who were in the securities industry.
> The future global and philosophical impact of the 9-11 event is of 
> interest to philosophers and politicians, but the immediate need of 
> those who grieve is for solace
> and reassurance. They need tradition and ritual; they need communion 
> with others who share the same friends and associates, who share the 
> same social bonds.  They look to the past. 
> Philosophical and political benefits may emerge in the future, but the 
> immediate and urgent need is for action to prevent a recurrence of 9-11.
> How many incidents of terror will be needed, how many high level 
> studies and recommendations will be needed, to convince skeptics that 
> present fears are real?
> regards,
> Hugh



The actions of the gulf war and the post-gulf war actions of the USA State and the UK State acting unilaterally against the people of Iraq are not justified. Indeed the majority of the G8/14/20 countries correctly disagree with the tactics...

As I wait for the G8 countries in alliance with the USA to start a war - frankly I'm amazed that the USA has not already started bombing the people of Afghanistan - perhaps Bush is the most intelligent US president since Roosevelt or  are the rest of the G8 countries telling him what is required - I am still amazed by the level of  Colonial or should I say Post-Colonial language leaking out onto the web...

Read Lyotard on colonialism and Algeria... Then substitute France for the G8 countires, not surprisingly it's extremely relevant.



hbone wrote:
Steve/Eric, All

The root word for paranoia is a Greek word for madness.  Paranoiacs have delusions, but d paranoids who lived through the  WTC disaster share real enemies with all other survivors.
The perpetrators of the crime cannot be punished.  Destroying Osama Bin Laden will have as little effect on this new war as the demise of international -fugitive Pablo Escobar had on the drug war.
Justiice or vengeance would afford some satisfaction, but justice requires perpetrators of
a  past event, a task for the FBI.  Prevention requires a-priori intelligence, a  task for the CIA.  Let's hope they cooperate
Saddam Hussein was able to kill Kurds and others with bio-weapons many years ago,
and able to defeat international surveillance of his efforts to increase the virulence of bio agents and to improve techniques of dispersion.
Because many countres did not observe sanctions, oil sales were resumed, bio-weapons research was increased, the children continued to suffer and die.  Would removal of sanctions help the children, or would it only enhance development of more effective weapons?
An interesting note on the "virus of terrorism" appeared on TV.  George Orwell was quoted on the corruption of language by thought and the corruption of thought by language - the occasion for quoting Orwell was a recent decision by Reuters to abstain from the term "terrorist", as if describing an event by a different name(s) would make it a different event.
Terror "was" and terror "is".
Manhattan is hundreds of communities.  Many of the persons known to have perished, or believed to have perished came from communities, in the suburbs, and include firemen, policemen, brokers and other employees of investment firms. 
Many in the WTC were from countries other than the U.S., and hundreds of those persons are missing. 
The "social bond", in Lyotard's terminology, is found in families, extended families, congregations, and, to some extent, (despite "downsizing" and replacement with "temps") it is found in the workplace. 
The impact of 9-11 is portrayed in suburban communities where a single congregation
has had funerals for a dozen firemen, and some upscale congregations have lost a dozen
members who were in the securities industry.
The future global and philosophical impact of the 9-11 event is of interest to philosophers and politicians, but the immediate need of those who grieve is for solace
and reassurance. They need tradition and ritual; they need communion with others who share the same friends and associates, who share the same social bonds.  They look to the past. 
Philosophical and political benefits may emerge in the future, but the immediate and urgent need is for action to prevent a recurrence of 9-11.
How many incidents of terror will be needed, how many high level studies and recommendations will be needed, to convince skeptics that present fears are real?

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