File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0110, message 45

Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2001 16:10:13 +1100
From: hbone <>
Subject: Re: Different approach to terrorist threat - update

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Steve wrote:
>What imminent attacks? - what evidence is there that with sensible precautions they >could not have been prevented from carrying out the acts of the 9/11. Moreover since we >know that the coalition states will have killed already, and will cause the deaths of many >more people than terroists can possibly achieve it is absurd to consider that this in >anyway justifies military attacks on Afghanistan.
We can "believe" in imminent attacks or "dis-believe" in imminent attacks.  The passage of time does not, per se, increase the probability of attack, but increases its imminence 
as the date of execution approaches.

Before 9/11, warnings were given, but evidence was sketchy.  With sufficient evidence, sensible precautions would have meant arrest and detention of the 19 perpetrators.  With firm belief that attack is imminent, but zero knowledge of the identity of the attackers, sensible precaution would have included implementation of flight security measures similar as those now initiated or contemplated.

As for other explanation of positions I have posted, there may be change, ambiguity, inaccuracies, but I think we agree that poor and disadvantaged people should have more control of the resources they work with and use their right to vote. The U.S. is the Empire that matters, money runs uphill to the wealthy, State slaughter of innocents as "collateral damage" should be avoided if possible. The U.S. record is deplorable.

The confusion of liberal and conservative labels increases.  Someone said, a Liberal is a conservative who has just been robbed - a Conservative is a liberal who has just been arrested.  

You may not believe in imminent robbery or imminent arrest, but this Sunday afternoon, October 7th, both our governments believe in imminent terrorist attack and are trying to prevent it  Of course they may be mistaken, other countries and individuals may have a more accurate vision of imminent events..




Steve wrote:
>What imminent attacks? - what evidence is there that with sensible precautions they >could not have been prevented from carrying out the acts of the 9/11. Moreover since we >know that the coalition states will have killed already, and will cause the deaths of many >more people than terroists can possibly achieve it is absurd to consider that this in >anyway justifies military attacks on Afghanistan.
We can "believe" in imminent attacks or "dis-believe" in imminent attacks.  The passage of time does not, per se, increase the probability of attack, but increases its imminence
as the date of execution approaches.
Before 9/11, warnings were given, but evidence was sketchy.  With sufficient evidence, sensible precautions would have meant arrest and detention of the 19 perpetrators.  With firm belief that attack is imminent, but zero knowledge of the identity of the attackers, sensible precaution would have included implementation of flight security measures similar as those now initiated or contemplated.
As for other explanation of positions I have posted, there may be change, ambiguity, inaccuracies, but I think we agree that poor and disadvantaged people should have more control of the resources they work with and use their right to vote. The U.S. is the Empire that matters, money runs uphill to the wealthy, State slaughter of innocents as "collateral damage" should be avoided if possible. The U.S. record is deplorable.
The confusion of liberal and conservative labels increases.  Someone said, a Liberal is a conservative who has just been robbed - a Conservative is a liberal who has just been arrested. 
You may not believe in imminent robbery or imminent arrest, but this Sunday afternoon, October 7th, both our governments believe in imminent terrorist attack and are trying to prevent it  Of course they may be mistaken, other countries and individuals may have a more accurate vision of imminent events..

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