File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0112, message 20

Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 15:46:38 +1000
From: hbone <>
Subject: Re: more on cyborgs and the inhuman

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


  Steve wrote:

  >Not at all, the suggestion that Lyotard makes is that in the post-modern people are but >bit-part players...

  **Each person is a bit-part player.  Those in power prepare the script, command the performance. 

  >'Humankind is taken for a complex material system' further Lyotard repeats '... the hero >is not a subject.

  **When persons are named "heroes" those persons, their acts,define the name of hero.

  >the word energy says nothing, except that there is some force. What happens to energy, >its formation into systems, their death or survival, the appearance of more differentiated >systems,

  **Persons define systems, use systems, give meaning to systems. Nature or God, whichever you prefer, has given humans the world, universe, Cosmos - has given persons their bodies/brains/mind/senses which detect phenomena outside their bodies..

  :>it knows nothing and does not want any ot it. It obeys blind, local laws and chance...'

  **The brain/mind/body/sensorium tells us stories of energy, blind local laws and chance.

  >An individual element as listed below could be said to be 'evil' except since the word has >the ludicrous connotation of being associated with both hollywood, the vatican and so ?>on. 

  **I admire Lyotard's commitment to "justice". If one thinks religion  has tainted "evil", think ethics, morals, social bonds, community, love, and their opposites:  unethical immoral, unsocial, against communty, pro-hate, and pro-injustice.


  hbone wrote:

Is speed, frenzy, stress, the 80 hour workweek, the dependence on fossilfuels, the proliferation of intellectual property, the loss of privacythrough government and corporate invasiveness, the inequalities broughtabout technological differentiation, the growing stockpile of weaponry,gated communities - are these all merely deterministic functions ofdevelopment, technology and complexity, or are they the result of thesocial/economic/politic matrix from which these technologies emerge.
IMHO these evils are consequences of the acts of living people whosereligion is greed, and whose tools are institutions and technologies.  TheEVIL ONES siphon wealth from worker/consumers in the form of Rent, Interest,Profits, Taxes, Insurance, Advertising.  That where our money goes.Development, technology and complexity are not actors in this drama.... onlynames of,Hugh



Steve wrote:
>Not at all, the suggestion that Lyotard makes is that in the post-modern people are but >bit-part players...
**Each person is a bit-part player.  Those in power prepare the script, command the performance.
>'Humankind is taken for a complex material system' further Lyotard repeats '... the hero >is not a subject.
**When persons are named "heroes" those persons, their acts,define the name of hero.
>the word energy says nothing, except that there is some force. What happens to energy, >its formation into systems, their death or survival, the appearance of more differentiated >systems,
**Persons define systems, use systems, give meaning to systems. Nature or God, whichever you prefer, has given humans the world, universe, Cosmos - has given persons their bodies/brains/mind/senses which detect phenomena outside their bodies..
:>it knows nothing and does not want any ot it. It obeys blind, local laws and chance...'
**The brain/mind/body/sensorium tells us stories of energy, blind local laws and chance.

>An individual element as listed below could be said to be 'evil' except since the word has >the ludicrous connotation of being associated with both hollywood, the vatican and so ?>on.
**I admire Lyotard's commitment to "justice". If one thinks religion  has tainted "evil", think ethics, morals, social bonds, community, love, and their opposites:  unethical immoral, unsocial, against communty, pro-hate, and pro-injustice.
hbone wrote:

Is speed, frenzy, stress, the 80 hour workweek, the dependence on fossil
fuels, the proliferation of intellectual property, the loss of privacy
through government and corporate invasiveness, the inequalities brought
about technological differentiation, the growing stockpile of weaponry,
gated communities - are these all merely deterministic functions of
development, technology and complexity, or are they the result of the
social/economic/politic matrix from which these technologies emerge.

IMHO these evils are consequences of the acts of living people whose
religion is greed, and whose tools are institutions and technologies. The
EVIL ONES siphon wealth from worker/consumers in the form of Rent, Interest,
Profits, Taxes, Insurance, Advertising. That where our money goes.

Development, technology and complexity are not actors in this drama.... only
names of concepts.


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