File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2001/lyotard.0112, message 51

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 19:59:35 +0000
From: "steve.devos" <>
Subject: Re: Greenspan: Globalisation vs Terrorism.

Actually given that the economy demands that more and more people 
function in less specialised ways than in the taylorist economies 
(pre-postmodern economy). At least that is in the G20 countries and if 
you are part of the 50% of the popolation of the local G20 economies 
that has a reasonable standard of living and functions  in the 
inter-disciplinary manner required in the postmodern - then its 
reasonable to assume that the "further exploitation..." suggests that he 
doesn't have a clue how the economy actually functions....


hbone wrote:

>Glen wrote:
>>I wonder what he means by "further exploitation of the values of
>He means the Adam Smith concept of assembly line manufacture.  Each employee
>a specialzed, simple task.
>Making nails.
> Instead of  three persons making each nail,  one cuts wire,
>one shapes
>the head of the nail, one sharpens the point of the nail.  Their total
>output is much greater than it would be if each of the three performed all
>tasks using all the tools/machines required.
>Specialized machinery enables  inexperienced workers to make shoes and
>clothing, many other household and commercial items with very little
>training.  This was the basis of the Industrial Revolution which, with
>Enclosure Acts and Corn Laws ended cottage industry, forced rural people
>into mines and city factories, produced child labor and other horrors
>described in Dicken's novels.  Rural communities were a "third world"
>available for exploitation.
>That process continued domestically in countries that are now leading
>industrial nations.
>In the decades after WWII preceding end of the Cold War, labor unions and
>democratic action in Western Europe and the U.S. greatly improved wages and
>working conditions, workers rights and entitlements.
>In those years there was significant international trade, some in
>manufactured goods, much in raw materials.
>Expanding air transport, computer and communications technology, made
>investment and control of operations in third world countries a real
>opportunity, especially after the Cold War ended.
>You could call the begiinng of globalization:  IR2, or the Second
>Industrial Revolution.
>Third World countries could now get their populations off their homelands
>mines, timber harvesting, massive, mechanized,  farm operations,  factory
>operations, and thus they have become, are becoming, industrialized..
>There is an important difference.  Most of the raw materials, most of the
>products and most of the profits are sent to the major industrial nations
>half a world away.  This is Globalization.
>In a book called "The Trap", Sir James Goldsmith explains how high
>unemployment in
>France and other European countries came about because 50 or more workers in
>poor countries can be employed for the cost of one worker in France.  Other
>G-7 countries have had similar experience.
>This situation encouraged  specialization in investment.  Factories and
>funds are exported to those countries whose workers can produce the highest
>quantity and quality of exportable goods at lowest cost.
>That's why factories are exported, and most U.S clothing are
>part of globalization.


Actually given that the economy demands that more and more people function in less specialised ways than in the taylorist economies (pre-postmodern economy). At least that is in the G20 countries and if you are part of the 50% of the popolation of the local G20 economies that has a reasonable standard of living and functions  in the inter-disciplinary manner required in the postmodern - then its reasonable to assume that the "further exploitation..." suggests that he doesn't have a clue how the economy actually functions....


hbone wrote:
Glen wrote:

I wonder what he means by "further exploitation of the values of


He means the Adam Smith concept of assembly line manufacture. Each employee
a specialzed, simple task.

Making nails.

Instead of three persons making each nail, one cuts wire,
one shapes
the head of the nail, one sharpens the point of the nail. Their total
output is much greater than it would be if each of the three performed all
tasks using all the tools/machines required.

Specialized machinery enables inexperienced workers to make shoes and
clothing, many other household and commercial items with very little
training. This was the basis of the Industrial Revolution which, with
Enclosure Acts and Corn Laws ended cottage industry, forced rural people
into mines and city factories, produced child labor and other horrors
described in Dicken's novels. Rural communities were a "third world"
available for exploitation.

That process cont inued domestically in countries that are now leading
industrial nations.
In the decades after WWII preceding end of the Cold War, labor unions and
democratic action in Western Europe and the U.S. greatly improved wages and
working conditions, workers rights and entitlements.

In those years there was significant international trade, some in
manufactured goods, much in raw materials.

Expanding air transport, computer and communications technology, made
investment and control of operations in third world countries a real
opportunity, especially after the Cold War ended.

You could call the begiinng of globalization: IR2, or the Second
Industrial Revolution.
Third World countries could now get their populations off their homelands
mines, timber harvesting, massive, mechanized, farm operations, factory
operations, and thus they have become, are becoming, industrialized..

There is an important difference. Most of the raw materials, most of the
products and most of the profits are sent to the major industrial nations
half a world away. This is Globalization.

In a book called "The Trap", Sir James Goldsmith explains how high
unemployment in
France and other European countries came about because 50 or more workers in
poor countries can be employed for the cost of one worker in France. Other
G-7 countries have had similar experience.

This situation encouraged specialization in investment. Factories and
funds are exported to those countries whose workers can produce the highest
quantity and quality of exportable goods at lowest cost.


That's why factories are exported, and most U.S clothing are
part of globalization.

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