File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2002/lyotard.0202, message 4

Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:06:46 -0800
From: Judy <>
Subject: Re: afghanistan...

you said:

>Why do you think the Pied Piper is the Bush administration rather 
>than something else?
>>Who is Negri talking about when saying "We" need to turn to exodus 
>>in our efforts to preserve and uphold our dignity?  Who will follow 
>>the line of exodus?  The pied  piper is Dubya Bush, that's where 
>>most people are going.

steve, good question.  I find I can take it two different ways.  Do 
you mean why do I think the Pied Piper is the Bush administration 
rather than seeing the Pied Piper as being something other than the 
Bush administration?  Or do you mean why do I think the Bush 
administration is the Pied Piper, rather than seeing it in terms of 
some other metaphor?


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