File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2002/lyotard.0205, message 135

Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 19:59:46 +0100
Subject: Re: openings onto the preface

The term 'micrological' is referred to with approval in the differend on p 87 -
Lyotard is quoting Adorno with approval from Negative Dialectics - see section
152. (Oh and Lyotard does not in my view interpret Adorno on 'Auschwitz'
correctly here rather read Adorno's lectures on Metaphysics...if you want the
short version).

It is clear that Lyotard is writing against 'speculative discourse' - (see the
Hegel notes as well as 152, 153) and for what can be interpreted as the
micrological critique of 'system' - Lyotard states "The Auschwitz model would
designate an experiemce of language that brings speculative discourse to a

However - this should perhaps wait until we arrive at this point....



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