File spoon-archives/lyotard.archive/lyotard_2003/lyotard.0311, message 35

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 12:24:55 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: posthuman


I read:  "you are no longer human, perhaps you never were. The person
standing next to you is a cyborg and the man of the year is a computer.
Gender is just a memory, while futures past are here and now. Do not be
alarmed you have entered the space of posthumanism...."

The consenual definition of what it is to be posthuman ?

I of course accept the critique and refusal of  humanism's  and humanities
general belief in the natural supremcy of the species of humanity.  I might
even make a stab at understanding and even accepting the relationship
between posthumanism and technology.  (With some siginificant questions
regarding the latter end of the equation.) But can posthumanism have a
poltics that escapes the narrow confies of feminism and postcolonialism (the
latter especially has been effectively questioned recently - but neither are
in themselves necessarily radical in there results....)  Are for example
postmodernism and poststructuralism necessarily posthumanist ? Is
posthumanism  anti-humanist,  would a non-human person accept it's  position
within the post-human...



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