File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-10-23.072, message 26

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 08:57:48 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Robert Malecki)
Subject: M-G: COCKROACH! #17(State Capitalist Mumbo Jumbo!) 




It is time that the poor and working class people
have a voice on the Internet.

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How often this zine will appear depends on you!

1. A voice from Cleveland vs the left!

2. State Capitalist Mumbo Jumbo!

3. Reply to Proyect and letter from Phil Berrigan!

4. Proyect on Phil Berrigan! New letter from Phil B.


A woman from Cleveland writes about Malecki!

He said Cleveland, Ohio (that is USA if you are unaware).  He gave you
the dates.  I am from Cleveland, Ohio.  The facts are correct.  I
checked them a long time ago when reading some of the posts only for
the reason that I wanted to do so.  An intelligent person checks
first...accuses later.  

Check the Cleveland Main
Library....Newspapers....Microfische....Cleveland Plain Dealer and
Cleveland Press....possibly the Cleveland News since they did close
during this period.

Perhaps before calling ANYONE a liar you should check your facts.  I
would rather deal with a blatant liar then someone who attempts to
twist facts...and does it so poorly too.

And...before you I was not involved in the "peace movement"
at all.  I was too busy raising cannon fodder for the next war.

! Her last sentence is and should be a classical slogan
 for every leftist in the world!

But beyond that this woman's honesty and courage shows 
that she has more balls then the majority of the 
American left which has a very big overwheight on 
the list.

In fact the America left has done nothing for the 
many people still living in exile or underground 
because of the Vietnam war. In fact we have recieved 
more sympathy and response from the Vietnam veterans 
then the American left. 

But letters like these from people who were to busy 
raisin babies as "cannon fodder" for the next war 
while the student left went on after the war to 
carreer making is both heartwarming and in fact 
makes all that we have done and the long years of 
exile or underground worth it!

Hats off to the woman from Cleveland. She outshines 
the entire American left who have deserted to 
synical whing and carreer making.

Warm regards
Bob Malecki
and other people living in exile and underground.

cc: The exile community...

State Capitalist Mumbo Jumbo!

>At 10:19 21-09-96 -0400, Louis N Proyect wrote:
>>Generally, these terms are used to distinguish between a postcapitalist
>>state that has either been totally captured by bureaucracy or one that is
>>merely tainted by it. The USSR in 1920 or 1921 and Cuba today are regarded
>>as workers states with bureaucratic deformations. It is a kosher stamp.
>>Meanwhile, the USSR of Stalin or the China of Mao are considered
>>"degenerated" workers states. Quantity becomes quality.

Jorn writes;
>The explanation I usually got from our local 4th Internationalists was that
>"degenerated" was used about Russia, because it once *had been* a workers'
>state. "Deformed" was used about E Europe, because these countries were
>sort of born with these defects.
>And sure this was the very serious heart of the matter: There were never
>anything like a workers' revolution in E Europe after WW2. Nevertheless the
>USSR army was able to create states more or less carbon copied from the USSR.

The first part of your letter is mostly correct Jorn. However here you go 
off the deep end into confusion again. The Red Army did not create carbon 
copies of a victorious 
October revolution led by the Bolshevik party. In fact the red army occupied 
east Europe, while smashing the armies of Hitler, and built deformed workers 
state in the post second world war perion. This was after thermidor, China, 
Spain and Germany
before the war. The East European states were built by the Stalinist 
bureaucracy which after all of the other events and the liquidation of the 
Trotskyists had absolute power in the Soviet Union. This is hardly a carbon 
copy of Lenin and Trotsky's October Revolution and the dictatorship of the 
>So the theoretical problem was not so much that it did not fit into the
>Stalin-Trotsky controversy. Rather it was the much more serious one: If the
>USSR was more or less a socialist/workers' state, and the EE countries were
>"created in the image" of this by the USSR army, does this mean then that
>socialism can be created from capitalism by other forces than the working
>class? That "the emancipation of the working class" is not to be made by
>the working class itself?

This is also a lot of confusion and in fact politically wrong. The East 
European states nor the Soviet Union were "Socialist" states. They were 
transitional states! That is a big difference. The Soviet Union was a 
transitional state based on the gains of October. The East European states 
were transitional states based on the occupation of the Red Army and the 
Stalinist bureaucracy! Both were built on the graves of on the one hand the 
monarchy and bougeoisie in Russia and on the other the defeat of the armies 
of Hitler a more extreme form of rule which came out of both the first world 
war but also the bankrupt politics of the Stalinists.
>It was this serious question that the "degenerated/deformed workers' state"
>formula was not able to come to terms with. And which continued to trouble
>the different brands of 4th Internationalism when they had to deal with the
>development of other states along similar lines, from China and Cuba and up
>to and including the eventual collapse of stalinism on a world scale from

It is this that the STATE CAPITALISTS have come to terms with. With the 
victory of the Stalinists the State caps came up with a line of a plague on 
both of your houses. Putting bougeois capitalist society on the same level 
as the deformed and devenerated workers states! Actually the trouble with 
the Fourth International was in a sense the same as the state capitalists. 
Where as the state capitalists say a plague on both of your houses. The 
liquidators and revisionists capitulated to post war Stalinism. Pablo first 
with is entrism line. Later on Mandel and guerilla warfare.
Finally the SWP which appears to have gone into outerspace and are now even 
less critical to the Cuban Stalinists then the Mandelite were.
>Tony Cliff's theory of bureaucratic state capitalism was the Marxist answer
>to this theoretical blind alley.

Tony Cliff.s theory is basically counter revolutionary and blind to the 
that the Left opposition clearly pointed out in regards to the deformed and 
degenerated workers states. In fact climbing above and beyond the huge 
battles that were taking place. A petty bougeois opposition that cowardly 
backed away from defending these states despite Stalin from imperialism as 
they still do today around China, North Korea, Cuba and Vietnam.

A trend that will never lead anything anywhere because they can not analise 
or see living class struggle on and International level.

Warm Regards
Bob Malecki

Reply to Proyect and letter from Phil Berrigan!

This is a reply to Proyect's latest lying slanders and yellow journalism. I 
humbly ask anybody on the Unity list to submit it to the list. I say to you 
on Unity. Take this man back with the attrocious lying slanders in this 
letter against me i will post this letter all over the net! One think is a 
political fight about the unity list. This slanderous yellow journalism is 
something else. If you accept him back on the list without him proving the 
grave charges he has made against malecki and his activities during the war 
in Vietnam +  accusing me of being a police agent among other things. Then 
you join him in this campaign against my person and people living in exile. 
Your choice! In fact i do not wait i post this to all the news groups now. 
The Unity list at Jefferson Village must choose between allowing this man 
back on the list or proving the serious charges made against my person. Does 
the unity list support yellow journalism and slander without proof? Or do 
you defend American exiles because of their activities against the war. Yes 
or No. Simple question. Letting him back on the list without proving the 
charges then your unity means unity with yellow journalism.

Bob Malecki
>Louis: I don't know why people have such trouble putting two and two
>together. The Spoons Marxism Lists are about to go through a wrenching
>restructuring experience. One of the main causes of this is the
>rat-provocateur Malecki. Now I now that you and Ehrbar await every post
>from this guy like Iranians used to await tapes from the exiled Ayatollah
>Khomeni, but that is a problem just with you two.

Ahh proyect worrying about the reorganisation of the marxist list! Isn,t 
this touching.
What worries Proyect is the left opposition to his Menshevik-neo Stalinist 
dribble. When he could not answer to this he turned more or more to slander. 
His brilliant 
and dazzling career ends as a writer of yellow journalism. 

now he is trying to drag everybody he can away from this list as he begs to 
get back on the "unity" list where he can dazzle some more people. Well 
Louis the Communist opposition is there too! as you have noticed from our 
replies to some of the more attrocious stuff coming from their on the 
charter and secret rules and of course you whining to get back on the list 

>As far as his lies are concerned, you have to start thinking about
>communist morality at some point, Vladimir, which apparently you haven't.
>In the workers movement, we have to trust one another. Trust is built on
>the basis of taking people at their words.

Communist morality! After the antics of the last few days you are trying to 
make people believe in words like communist morality. Coming from the mouth 
of a yellow journalist it really means that Proyect is desperately looking 
for people to support his procative talk about Malecki being a liar about 
his anti-war activities and a agent provacateur. And of course trying to 
sabotage the list and turn people off to communist politics. And talking 
about trust in the workers movement. Proyect who would ever trust a yellow 
journalist that slanders people without proof. Who would defend a yellow 
journalist who thinks that Tariq Ali is a hero in going over to the other 
side and dragging Trotskyism through the mud along the way.
>Now Malecki's lies are not small and incidental. Americans went to prison
>to protest the Vietnam war and they have earned our respect. They acted on
>their principles.

Yes we certainly did! And you would know nothing about principles. You have 
proven that here in the last few days. Proyect is first. A petty bougeois 
ego maniac that has lost it completely and know turns to yellow journalism 
and slander. 
>So Malecki rips them off by pretending that he was one of them. He uses
>that prestige to create an aura of sanctity about himself. Then, using
>that aura, he proceeds to trash every mailing list he can gain entry into.

You have 13 days left to prove this is true! The only one being trashed here 
is you Proyect as you put your tail between your legs and run for a hole to 
hide in. You have put youself so far out on the limb and are sawing it that 
limb at a very hasty rate. Any people watching this struggle i hope you 
don,t fall off as Proyect falls into the abyss. What are you going to do 
Proyect? You have the dates the names of people an even a women from 
Clevland told you which library and which newspapers to check! How are you 
going to get out of the corner in desperation you have painted yourself 
into? No one will ever believe a word you say after this. You have committed 
political kamakazi Proyect! 
>By the way, if anybody except that moron Rodwell, still thinks that
>Malecki was jailed for his antiwar activity, I've got a bridge here in New
>York that you might want to take a look at. It's up for sale.

Keep the bridge in mind Proyect. In 13 days or less you might want to jump 
off it. However i doubt it. You are hopping to get back on the "unity" list 
however i doubt that even they would want you back after the last few days. 

Why Per M. just could make a call to his Usec friends in Sweden and get this 
stuff confirmed. And if they let you back on that list i will certainly make 
a big deal out of letting somebody who slanders and lies about people in 
exile and who has turned to yellow journalism and provacations of the worst 
sort against these people.

Well, then the "Unity" list will be committing political komakaze. In 
letting you back they let somebody who has driven a intense campaign of 
yellow journalism and outright lies and attacks about being an agent 
provacateur and in the pay of imperialism and much much more. So now it will 
not be just a political question of banning,excluding and expelling people 
because of political line. But allowing you back in to the list after all 
the stuff you have written the past fews days.

I think both Per and the moderaters on unity would be idiots to take on that 
burden as well in trying to create their list.

PS: Adding a letter from Phil Berrrigan to my proof! (see below) 13 days to 
come up with your proof Proyect. The you are finished. And you killed yourself!

Warn Regards
Bob Malecki

Dear Bob
Thanks for your letter and the good explanation. Am sending your letter 
to everyone worth while. I can think of. Hopefully, you'll get some 
action in your behalf.
Should have told you that this is an anti-war community (anti-nucl. 
wpns, anti-interventionary war). Everyone here has done prison time 
for Plowshares Witnesses (2nd chapt. of Isaiah) against 1st strike 
weapons. There have been over 50 of these actions - most in the U.S., 
but in England, Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany, and Australia 
as well. The Bible is our handbook, everyone is dedicated to n. 
violence, we live poor against the gross consumption of the culture. 
I spent most of  94 in prison - between Vietnam and the doomsday race, 
I've done over seven years. My wife Elizabeth is perhaps the foremost 
woman activist in the U.S. -We  have 3 children, two are in college, 
our youngest in high school. We work with our hands to support 
ourselves and that means carpentry, painting, roof repair, masonry. 
I'm 71 and still in excellent physical shape.
Currently, we are preparing resistance for the 50th anniversary of 
the bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and the white-washing of the Enola 
Gay, the B-29 that bombed Hiroshima. We all send you love and good 
cheer and Christ's peace. Prepare your mind for no effective response 
to your return(pardon or amnesty) and the real possibility that 
return means taking your chances.
Phil Berrigan
"When the Church that had stood up nonviolently to the brutal 
repression of the Roman Empire found itself strangely victorious,it 
naively assumed the role of court chaplain to an empire eager for 
its support. It is as if Satan, unable to defeat the Church by 
violence, surrendered to the Church and became its ward. The price 
the church paid however, was embracing violence as a means of 
perserving the empire. But the gospel blasted the keystone from the 
arch, and Christianity collapsed into a religion of personal salvation 
in an afterlife jealously guarded by a wrathful and terrifying God - 
the whole system carefully managed by an elite corps of priests with 
direct backing from the secular rulers now regarded as the elect 
agents of God,s working in history." (Walter Wink)

When the Church abandoned nonviolence to sacralize the empire it 
also abandoned community's resistance to evil, especially the crimes 
of the State. What we witness today in the church is the agonising 
effort to desert the empire and its violence, and return to roots - 
non violence, community, and resistance.

>From our corner of the vineyard:
- Greg Boertje-Obed and Bill Frankel-Streit were arrested at the 
U.S.S. Intrepid with 18 other Atlantic Life Community members on 
January 14.The Intrepid is the Big Apple's war museum.
-Max Obuszewski was jailed for 30 days for leafleting at the 
 Applied Physics Lab of the John Hopkins University. At his trial, 
  officials admitted that only demonstrators trespassed and were 
  arrested for leafleting.

-Kim Lamberty was jailed for 1 day for the same offence.
- Trials are scheduled for the same offence for Bill Frankel-Streit.
(February 6); Michael Walli  (February 21), Liz McAlister (March 6); 
George Kehoe-Ostensen (March 16); and Greg Boertje-Obed (April 19)

-Phil waits to serve his 2 days in the Alexandria Jail.

-Planning and meetings continue (the first Saturday of each month) 
for anniversaries of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "50 
Years are Too Many: Disarm Now!"
 The Coalition is strategizing as well to do some truth speaking 
 in relation to the Smithonian Institution,s Air and Space Museum's 
 exhibition of the Enola Gay. It is now uncertain whether or not 
 the exhibition will be cancelled or reduced to such a degree that 
 it no longer makes sense to address it.

We are submitting our application to the Zoning Board in Baltimore 
to begin building on the cemetery property.
We profusely thank friends for loving support, for prayer, 
and vision.

Christ's peace in 1995.

Michele Naar-Obed
Gregory Boertje-Obed
Rachel Obed
Sue,Bill,Issac, and Anna Frankel-Striet
Liz McAlister
Katy and Phil Berrigan

Proyect on Phil Berrigan! New letter from Phil B.

>On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Robert Malecki wrote:
>> Dear Bob
>> Thanks for your letter and the good explanation. Am sending your letter 
>> to everyone worth while. I can think of. Hopefully, you'll get some 
>> action in your behalf.
>Louis: Isn't this the sign of imperialist decay? That one of its
>agent-provocateurs could expect this little salutation above to have any
>meaning to anybody. Once upon a time cops could put together plausible
>deniability with a little bit more savoir-faire. This is pathetic.

Proyect, the slimy yellow journalist, climbing deeper and deeper into his 
own grave, actually still believing that he can get away with this! Good bye 
my little yellow journalist! 12 days to come up with the proof to the list 
that Malecki is what you say. You have claimed that the list must know when 
they are dealing with real "agent provacateurs and cops" to all Proyect. In 
reality just more and more dirty yellow journalism of slander and lying.Not 
one bit of substantive proof to your claims!

Are you going to take Phil Berrigan down also? (For people on the list who 
do not know Phil Berrigan, he is a chatholic Jesuit priest who at 71 years 
of age has spent eight years of his life in Federal and local prisons for 
his anti-war activities) Good bye Proyect! You have completely exposed 
yourself to the list and the world through Usenet on this one. From a petty 
bougeois Menshevik-neo Stalinist to cowardly yellow journalism an attacks on 
militants in exile for their anti-war activites. You are 
"finito" as that say in Spanish. 

Your expose an dossier on Malecki being a "cop,agent provacateur" on the 
payroll of
imperialism which appears quite empty at this point is your own commitment 
to a Kamakazi death cry! When they come to get you in the white jackets you 
obviously will still be screaming "I know i am right" and "can't you people 
see a real agent provacateur in your mist" and "Malecki has duped you all" 
or something along those lines.

But more then likely madness is not the case in question here. But a brutal 
to slander and lying yellow journalism. Any person on a left list or 
newsgroup on Internet that believes anything you have to say after this will 
certainly be hard to find.
And if the Unity list takes you back after this without some really heavy 
proof by you about Malecki will mean that the "Unity" list will go down with 
you also.

Bye Proyect!
A lying slanderous yellow journalist goes down! Good!

As your proof appears to be lacking. I sent a second letter from Phil 
Berrigan to my defense against the slanderous lies of Louis Proyect, the 
yellow journalist. Better get working Proyect, the evidence in favor of 
Malecki telling the truth is piling up!


December 16 1995

Dear Bob,

The fall that eases into winter has been full of court appearances, so i 
thought to share this little cartoon. Ardeth Platte and Carrol Gilbert spent 
30 days each in jail in Howard County Jail. I was in court twice for 
probation violation. I was being violated because of my arrest at the World 
Bank, my refusal of home detention and the fine imposed in North Carolina 
for my plowshares witness there a couple of years ago. The World Bank arrest 
isssue is on hold until trial conviction (sheduled for December 14th); the 
fine is waived because i have no money; the home detention is re-instated 
and already not working. They don,t want to put me in jail but it looks like 
they might.

As the season of trials nears an end most people have walked. Kathy Shields 
will have to serve 4 months in a Half-way House for her witness to the truth 
of the Enola Gay (she awaits notice to report); no one was imprisoned for 
the Pentagon actions this summer. The November 17 trial ended with 
unsupervised probation even for those who used the symbol of blood on that 
bloody institution. The Jubilee Plowshares West were convicted last week on 
federal charges of conspiracy and destruction as well as civil contempt of 
court. The Jubilee Plowshares East were to be tried in State Court December 
13 but were arrested by the feds this a.m. and willl have the state charges 
dismissed in favor of a trial on federal charges probably early in the year. 
Carol Gilbert, Ardeth Platte,Art Laffin,Mike Wallis and i face trial for our 
April World Bank witness DFecember 14.

The outside of the new house is as finished. We had an insoection for the 
framing, etc and aside from a few minor things we need to do were told to 
get the insultation done before the next inspection. That is in process.

We are into the blessed season of Advent and preparing for the Feast of the 
Innocents. Please recieve the enclosed flier as both Advent greetings and an 
invitation to share that retreat with us if at all possible. And together 
let us make this a holy and hopeful season. You help to make it so for all 
of us.

Thanks for your latest. Very happy your book is finished. I,m sure it will 
take its place with other resistance material from the Vietnam era. None of 
that is wasted-
it is part of the slow process of holding the war criminals responsible.

Got newly convicted the other day for a resistance at the World 
Bank-sentence in late January. Regarding resistance to Clinton,s warmaking, 
the country seems dead from its - as both ways. So it's all the more 
important to keep a small torch lit.

On December 27th, we go to D.C. for a 3 days resistance at the Pentagon. 
White House and IMF-one of the robber banks.

Hope your Christmas is full of hope and Christ's peace. No easy thing-to be 
seperated from your kids and family. All at Jonah House send you love and 

Phil Berrigan

Read the book! Ha Ha Ha McNamara,
Vietnam-My Bellybutton is my Crystalball!

COCKROACH, a zine for poor and workingclass people


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