File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-10-23.072, message 33

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 12:34:47 +0200 (MET DST)
From: (Rolf Martens)
Subject: M-G: Re: Let's help the Nigerians etc on freons!

Bob Malecki on the small united front with him I
proposed on the question of combating the freon ban:

>Rolf, the point here is not "exposing" whether the ozone hole gets bigger or 
>smaller because of freons. The point is that I defend the right of the 
>Nigerian workers to produce those refrigerators despite any of this shit. It 
>is a classless petty bougeois utopia the whole debate. If these people are 
>really serious then they can give the Nigerian workers the factories to 
>produce neon free refrigerators. Until then we defend every refrigerator 
>that the Nigerian workers produce. Take your ozone hole and stick it up your 
>In fact a demonstation along those lines would be just great. A gigantic 
>banner saying: "Defend the Nigerian refrigerator workers!" Stick the ozone 
>hole up your ass or give them the means of producing neon free 
>refrigerators!" That would be a great theme in a first of May demo.

Yes, I'd be for that.

>See what i mean Rolf. The Maoists just can,t understand Proletarian
>independence! Maoists would build a front with the holy crail if possible.

A front by no means excludes proletarian independence!
I, if anyone, since 20 and more years back, have advocated
and represented an independent proletarian line!
ANd this in practice too. 

In 1974, I didn't compromise with the phoney"Marxist" "KFML(r)" 
but attacked its realsupport for social-imperialism's aggressive 
plans, got excluded, published a pamphlet that exposed and to a 
large extent sunk that phoney.

In 1990, I had to break with my long-time comrades and
teachers the KPD/ML(NEUE EINHEIT) in Germany, who had then
gone over to the bourgeoisie.

In 1994, I exposed (the first time this was done)
the phoney "RIM", which said it was "for the line of
Mao Zedong" but in reality distorts and attacks that line.

Recently, I condemned the creation of that WMC, for defending
the revolution in Peru and advocating the line of Marx,
Lenin and Mao Zedong internationally, a WMC which I had
been among the endorsers of but which was now, in August,
being set up by only some people who did not consult all
the other endorsers and who had not distanced themselves
at all from the reactionary line of the "RIM".

That's independent proletarian politics! 


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