File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 2

Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 00:49:16 -0800
Subject: Re: M-G: Found: China Study Group Newsletter

Greetings Rolf!

Thanks very much for the information (below) that you posted
regarding the symposium on the Great Proletarian Cultural 
Revolution to be held in NY in December.  I was not aware of
it or of the China Study Group.  I have met several times one
of the persons that will speak there, Pao-Yu, a supporter of
Mao Tse-Tung and the Cultural Revolution.  She writes for
Monthly Review often.  I have a small book/article called:
"Rethinking Socialism" by her and Deng-Yuan Hsu which I will
make a copy of and send you.  It is very interesting.  You
would like Pao-Yu, Rolf, she does not agree with me on Chiang
Ching  either!  Also thanks for the information about Mao's 
so-called "Doctor".  I also noticed a great deal of contradictions
and historical inaccuracies which appeared in much-trumpeted
(by the imperialists) book by Li Zhisui. His story is impossible.
I am anxiously waiting for the english translation.  If you hear 
any more about it, let us know.     -Jay Miles / Detroit
===============================================================On Sat, 23 Nov 1996, Rolf Martens <> wrote:
>On the IMO interesting homepage I've already written about to
>this list, I've found a new link, which brings the below.
>It among other things says that you can subscribe to the
>newsletter by sending an e-mail to:
>I still don't know more about who the people behind this are,
>but one name below I recognize, that of William Hinton, an
>agricultural expert who has worked both in the US and in
>China, the latter including under the revisionist rule,
>which he eventually came to criticize in a book I have in
>translation, The Privatization of China.
>To me, this whole thing looks quite interesting, even if
>it's probably essentially a bourgeois affair.
>Rolf M.
>[Quoting the below:]
>A two-day symposium to mark the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Cultural 
>On a historical struggle like the Cultural Revolution, as a rule, there will 
>be contending perspectives. While the mainstream condemnation of Cultural 
>Revolution represents the views of the defenders of the status quo or 
>opponents of radical changes, the left has not been able to offer compelling 
>alternative perspectives and narratives. We hope that this symposium will 
>mark the beginning of serious reexamination of the Cultural Revolution by 
>those who continue to dedicate themselves to the quest of an alternative to 
>More information about the Symposium on Cultural Revolution: 
>General information 
>Program for the symposium 
>Profile of China Study Group 
>30th Anniversary Symposium
>Saturday & Sunday, December 14-15, 1996
>New School for Social Research Auditorium
>(14th St. & Fifth Ave., New York City) 
>This year marks the 30th anniversary of the launching of the Chinese 
>Cultural Revolution with the "May 16" circular, as well as the 20th 
>anniversary of its effective end with Mao Zedong's death in September 1976. 
>Although, the Cultural Revolution was defeated, with the return to power of 
>the leaders who were criticized and overthrown during the Cultural 
>Revolution, its massive initiatives in political, economic and ideological 
>spheres all but reversed, it has left behind legacies, both in theory and in 
>practice, that can not be brushed aside by serious students of China and 
>socialism. A dispassionate and in-depth discourse on a subject like the 
>Cultural Revolution requires sufficient historical distance. As the 
>political passions have gradually subsided, with the elapse of two decades, 
>the time has come for a serious re-examination of this historical event. 
>Moreover, many things have happened in these intervening decades to 
>illuminate its historical significance and enormous i! mplications. Although 
>public discussions on the Cultural Revolution is still officially banned in 
>China today, many Chinese people, having experienced real capitalism and the 
>market orientation in action, are re- examining the Cultural Revolution in 
>various ways. After what has happened in the former socialist countries, it 
>has become all the more important to re- examine the theory and practice of 
>the Cultural Revolution, to sum up its positive and negative aspects and why 
>it was defeated, and its relevance to the struggle for an alternative to the 
>current system that puts profit ahead of people. Speakers include William 
>Hinton, author of Fanshen; Cui Zhiyuan, MIT; Maurice Meisner, Univ. of 
>Wisconsin- Madison; Li Minqi, Umass at Amherst; Arif Dirlik, Duke Univ.; Han 
>Dongping, Brandeis Univ.; Robert Weil, Univ. of California at Santa Cruz; 
>Paoyu Ching, Marygrove College; James Petras, SUNY Binghamton; Peter 
>Seybolt, Univ. of Vermont; Zhang Xudong, Rutgers; Wen Di, Chinese Academy of 
>Sciences; Carol Hanisch, writer/activist on woman liberation issues. 
>Sponsored by China Study Group, Monthly Review, ESU of the
>New School
>Contact: Dr. C.Y. Tung, 501 W. 123 St., #5F, New York, NY
>Fax (212) 865-7132; E-Mail:
>Chinese Cultural Revolution 30th Anniversary Symposium
>December 14 - 15, 1996
>Preliminary Program Schedule
>Saturday Dec. 14
>10:00 - 10:30 am Registration and Coffee
>10:30 - 10:45 am Opening Remarks, by Xu L. Dong,
>Coordinator, China Study Group
>10:45 - 1:00 pm The Cultural Revolution in Historical Perspective:
>Arif Dirlik, Duke U., Moderator
>Peter Seybolt, U. of Vermont, The Education Revolution Revisited
>Han Dongping, Brandeis, Eliminating the Three Differences
>Maurice Meisner, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Discussant
>Wen Di, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
>1:00 - 2:00 pm Lunch Break
>2;00 - 3:00 pm Keynote Address by William Hinton, Author of
>Fanshen, Great Reversal, and other works on Chinese
>3:15 - 5:30 pm The Impact of Cultural Revolution Outside China:
>Bertell Ollman, NYU, Moderator
>Robert Weil, UC Santa Cruz
>Paoyu Ching, Marrygrove College
>Carol Hanisch, Woman Liberation, Writer/Activist
>Peter Kwong, Hunter College
>James Petras, SUNY Binghamton
>Amiri Baraka, SUNY Stony Brook*
>Sunday, Dec. 15
>12:00 - 12:15 pm Sign-in
>12:15 - 2:30 pm Critique of Mainstream Discourse on
>Cultural Revolution
>Harry Magdoff, Monthly Review, Moderator
>Maurice Meisner, Political Orthodoxy and the Cultural Revolution
>Mobo Gao, U. of Tasmania, Australia
>James Peck,* NYU
>2:45 - 5:00 pm Is There A Legacy of the Cultural Revolution
>in Contemporary China
>Cui Zhiyuan, MIT and Harvard, Mao's Theory of Cultural Revolution
>and the reconstruction of Chinese Modernity
>Li Minqi, U Mass., Amherst, Capitalist Development and Class
>Struggle in China
>Zhang Xudong, Rutgers, Cultural Revolution and Contemporary
>Chinese Literature
>Pat Yang, Chairperson and Co-founder of The Zigen Fund
>5:00 pm Free Discussion
>*Attendance to be confirmed
>To subscribe to China Study Group newsletter, please e-mail to:
>[So far the thing I found under

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