Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 23:39:21 +0000 Subject: M-G: The more things change .... The following enlightening bit of dialogue has just transpired on International: >John Rosser: >> I am contributing further here myself, mea >>culpa, but then the glorious LP has rejected a private >>appeal from me for a no-flame agreement between us on the >>lists. He simply despises me, so he says, and so you all >>will just have to put up with some crap between the two of >>us, from time to time. Sorry about that. >>Barkley Rosser >> >>-- > >Louis: What slander. You know as well as I do that what you said privately >is that you would love a nude photo of me in a diaper. I said that I would >be happy to send you one but that I *would not* call you on the telephone >and sing "My Yiddishe Momma". That would be going too far. > Plus ca change... (The more things change, the more they remain the same) No need for Malecki, no need for Ole Leche, no need for Rodwell. This Proyect punter is permanently primed with vitriol and ready to spray at the slightest touch. So much for all the boasting about a new and pristine space free of disruptive elements, where all would be tranquil chit-chat about the utter incapacity of the working class for carrying out its revolutionary tasks. (The main task apparently being to carry such exalted beings as Louis P on its shoulders through the swamps and jungles of modern history.) As November slides into December, the new lists are slowly becoming every bit as real and contradictory as the old ones. And on the lists, the tasks facing the working class are even more dim and distant now than they were back then. Only this time there's a *serious* effort afoot on M-International to magic away not just the tasks but the working class itself. The only reason for all this Gramsci and Lukacs nonsense is to put the blame for the failures of Stalinist leadership on the "objective" incapacity of the working class. Lukacs is High Church -- he doesn't even see the working class. But Gramsci is more of a problem -- a vigorous low church evangelist, he sees the class, but not its volcanic qualities, and being the preacher he is, he turns everything into a question of subjective will (except for the crushing, inevitable, omnipotence of the class enemy, of course). What I'm looking forward to is what the list Mandarins (not identical with the moderators, I might add) will come up with next if by some slim chance the working class is actually found to be chock full of revolutionary potential. Perhaps a cyber-seminar on the problems of class leadership in our epoch of wars and revolutions and the transition to socialism? Cheers, Hugh --- from list ---
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