Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 11:55:40 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: French Lorry Drivers Strike Adam wrote very correctly; >Well, since the seminar is on the revolutionary capability >of the working class, I suggest sceptics take a look at >the French lorry drivers strike. Yes! And how it has spread to the Danish truckers which in turn has led to the Swedish truckers taking up these questions. Just as the demonstration yesterday in Sweden was a very powerful manifestation against the reformists and their bougeois partners in the Center party. Thousands upon thousands of trade unionists demonstrated their rage against the anti trade union laws, unemployment and the cuts. The powerful miners union in Kiruna has gone out with the call for a political general strike on the 12 of December thus posing the question of who rules the parliment with its present majority or the power of the working class. Although this movement is just in its beginning and there are a lot of illusions both in the Social Democracy, and going back to the good old times, it is beginning to shake the very foundation of bougeois democratic society! The question becomes almost immediately posed--Who Rules? The miners in Kiruna or the bougeois parliment... So I do not think that Adam has to worry about the people on this list who have given up on the working class as being the only revolutionary force in society who has the *real* social power to change things! As the crisis deepens and the class begins to move our skeptics will go from their present anti working class stance to some kind of opportunist stance represented in political platforms and conclusions! I would also like to say that the unemployed at least in Sweden appear to be playing a very important role in these mobilisations. Some say being outside of production makes their role very difficult to play. But in the late ninties it has been quite clear that familes have been forced to have both adults in the family working in order to live if not in some cases just to survive. (Where in the old days it was only usually one bread winner in the family) So we have the incredible situation of many unemployed having spouse or relatives who do have jobs. Thus there is a clear link of solidarity between those on the inside and those on the outside. The left was also present at the demonstration. Both the so called far left (various "trotskyist" formations, maoists and the Euro-Communists.) The Euro-Communists are the worst of these opportunist trends. There parlimentry group was waiting outside the parliment with coffee for the demonstraters! While the last to years they have been the loyal supporters of Social Democratic cuts! And even voted for the Social Democrats in a recent dispute over the prime minister and his statements about China. Although this vote was brought on by and anti-Communist and anti-China right wing in the parliment a real Communist group in the parliment would have used this issue to expose the Social Democrats. Instead of voting for them against the right wing anti-Communist attacks they could have brought up the issue of the Social democracy and its anti-working class legislation saying that we Communists have NO confidence in this government. Not because of the statements the prime minister made in China but because of its anti-worker right wing politics which is responsible for massive unemployment,impovershisment, and anti-trade union laws. Unfortunately these neo-Stalinists are trying to become traditional reformists and back to the good old days of the traditionalists. More later on the "trotskyists" groups and what they were doing. I did see the militant group with a banner of "Save Sweden". Bob Malecki --- from list ---
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