Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 12:00:22 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: On Zaire, Rwanda: Q:s to Class Struggle "Class Struggle", your posting on 26.11 was very informative. And as to what should be supported, you're advocating critical support of Kabila's insurrectionist forces, the alliance of four organizations in eastern Zaire, with at the same time advocatng workers/peasants organizing independently of those forces. This fits in aproximately with what I, from afar and with little knowledge, thought would be correct - I some days ago advocated support of Kabila, period. But you, who obviously know much more about the situation in Zaire/Rwanda etc than I do, also are saying that the rebel leaders in eastern Zaire are not really to be trusted but would like to become new sub-commanders under imperialism's rule. How do you motivate that? What facts show it? You also wrote that your organization broke off from an earlier one which just, uncritically, supported the victory of the present government in Rwanda, a government which you are saying (as others have said before) suits the Anglo-American Western imperialist forces (US, UK). What is the program (in main points) of your organization? And should, in your opinion, the present Rwandan government be opposed too? I'm trying to find out what is really correct and realistic for Marxists to advocate and support in the Central African region. Rolf M. --- from list ---
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