File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 29

Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 07:30:59 -0500
Subject: Re: M-G: The more things change ....

Hugh Rodwell wrote:
> The following enlightening bit of dialogue has just transpired on International:
> >John Rosser:
> >>     I am contributing further here myself, mea
> >>culpa, but then the glorious LP has rejected a private
> >>appeal from me for a no-flame agreement between us on the
> >>lists.  He simply despises me, so he says, and so you all
> >>will just have to put up with some crap between the two of
> >>us, from time to time.  Sorry about that.
> >>Barkley Rosser
> >>
> >>--
> >
> >Louis: What slander. You know as well as I do that what you said privately
> >is that you would love a nude photo of me in a diaper. I said that I would
> >be happy to send you one but that I *would not* call you on the telephone
> >and sing "My Yiddishe Momma". That would be going too far.
> >
> Plus ca change... (The more things change, the more they remain the same)

I always said the guy was a constitutional Menshevik of one-step-forward-one-step-
back type.  In public and in matters of real importance, he's been singing the
"International" in diapers all this time. But when once in a while good ol' Barley
asks him for a small personal favour he gets coy and plays unflagging Bolshevik.


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