Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 20:10:09 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: new voice? (fwd) Neil writes; > >I have never used any slogan of 'smash the unions' in my > union critiques on the list. This is a lie of careerists and >bureaucrat wannabees. Ah Neil takes a smallstep! He says that he does not want to smash the unions. What should Communists do ignore them Neil? And in practice your call for building small groups outside of the unions, because the unions are completely bankrupt is in fact a declaration of fake revolutionary blustering rather then taking part in *real* class struggle. > >Socialists and other worker militants need Revolutionary >politics to be able to foresee and to prepare for the future >creation of new mass organs of real class struggle and >to help turn the tide in a revolutionary attack. Not really Neil. In fact other organs will develop as the crisis deepens and the working class becomes more concious. History has show us that other organisation forms developed in many pre-revolutionary and revolutionary situations like the "Soviets" in the former Soviet Union. But these organs did not replace the trade unions-but were a complement to them. I think this will be the case in the future also. > >Reformists and careerists, stalinist, social dems. trotskyists, >want nothing to do with socialist struggle. >We need to realize what the legal unions are in this epoch, >they are mainly instruments of bargaining (independent of >leadership politics) the price and trade of labor power >between buyer-capitalist, and seller-the workers. >Sure, true this is a form of class struggle, but constricted >to the level of bargaining , based on the hegemony of the >capitalist social relationship. The above is a bunch of ultra-left romantism at best and proves that Neil has no tactics at all except going out into the desert and screaming revolution! In fact Communists and Socialists have tactics regarding the trade unions. Both in peaceful legal times, wartime, and also revolutionary or counter-revolutionary illegal times. That is because we try to analise living reality, the forces working in society and trying to change the situation in favor of the working class and its ultimate struggle to become the ruling class. But for Neil, no tactics are neccessary just blustering and ultra-left sloganeering will not change anything. Only by rolling up your sleeves and getting in there and taking part in the class struggle according to the conditions that exist and try to move things forward. >This is a main reason why unions arose and are still in >existence. Unions today are under increasing constraint >to mediate the capitalist interest inside the working class. >Unions don't operate on some kind of bargain-margin: >The capitalist economy as a whole survives today only >on the basis of wages overall being reduced. You are completely ignorant of why trade unions arose. And are trying to paint a rosy revolutionary pictures which goes along with you hate of the trade unions. In fact trade unions arose out of struggle against the incredible working conditions imposed on the working class by the ruling classes in every country of the world. For example it was the Adalen massacre by the Swedish bougeoisie that was one of the fundemental pillars of the trade union movement. In the United States it was some of the great revolution struggles by the teamsters that is part of the trade unions great tradition. You are trying to implant the present bureaucratic grip that the present trade union bureaucracy has on the unions on some of the greatest and most violent struggles and heroic struggles that brought the union movement into existence. Poof the trade unions stink says Neil: Who are you trying to kid Neil. Do you think that your are dealing with some typical student leftists of the campuses from the sixties. It might work there but not here and not in the workers movement. Because most workers would think you have completely flipped out! > >Of course the apologists for the unions role never say any of >this, or about the material basis on the systems overall >falling rate of capitalist profit , nor would they educate/alert >the workers on how capital adapts to compensate for this. >They just hide the fact that the continuing capitalist realtions >and disasters for workers are the very material baisis for >the existence of the unions. I at least am not apologising for the crimes of the reformist,Stalinist or pro-capitalists trade union leaderships. But I see a clear difference between the base and the top. And I defend the trade unions on principle as working class organisations despite this leadership. Do you? In fact Communists defend every economic struggle between the workers and bosses or any minimal reform which makes conditions for the workers better on principle. Although we understand that this is hardly enough and that only by taking political power and smashing the ruling class can really garantee any gains made in partial struggles. Do You Neil? Naturally the question of the present leaders of the trade union movement must be seen in the tactic of setting the base against the top and exposing their treacherous twists and turns or even more open class collaboration with the class enemy and the bosses. But one can not do that by empty slogineering and wandering out in the desert Neil. > >Of course it would be idiotic to just shout mantras for the >"smashing of unions" as any serious political tactic. Good Neil! I like that. But you still want to run off and leave the working class in the hands of the traitors who presently control things. Instead of getting in there and trying to change things. >BUT it is also just criminal to call workers to the defense >of unions instead of calling on workers of the rank and >file and inside the ranks to build new rank and file >organizations for mass struggle outside and against >the bosses/state compatibilities, for defense of workers >immediate interests, and honestly delivering wide >information and agitation for a political attack, as >well as industrial, on capital. You have the same position as the Stalinists had in Germany. These tactics led to the victory of the facists and everything that it meant. The only difference is they called their groups the "red" trade unions. They thought that the reformists and their trade unions were more dangerous then the brown shirts and Hitlers national socialism. This was also the death of the Third International as and organisation that could be changed. It also proves that in reality your line is in fact in practice "smash the unions". So far from being anything new and revolutionary you are sounding more like a parrot of the Stalinist in the German KPD which got its orders from Moscow! How quaint my ultra leftist hero! > >Communists can agitate in the ranks in the unions- >and outside them too. hovever, The point here is the unions >are not any kind of leadership for attacking style class clashes.. >THe needed political leadership builds up inside the >raised class conflict, and that is somthing the unions >must combat to maintain their own institutional hegemony >in the system of wage labor. The last just does not fit Neil. You have been writting for days and in most of this letter your contemt for the trade unions. And in the final paragraph tell us that it is ok to agitate in the unions. Then you go on and say that the unions can not be "attacking style" in class clashes. Bullshit Neil. Everytime there is a strike. Or for example the French and Danish truckers today and their *real* actions or yesterday when the powerful miners union here up in the north of Sweden called for a political strike against the Social Democratic government and its bougeois partners in December-the question is posed who rules? The bougeoisie and its parliment or the working class and its organisations! The institutional hegomony you want to combat is really funny. Because your politics are the same as the German KPD. Ha what a joke Neil. I suggest thast you contact a Trotskyist organisation or even some socialist organisation that does some real class struggle work in the unions. You might learn something about tactics. But you also need a program and a party in the final analisis if the working class is going to be successful in smashing the bougeoisie and not the other way around. Because your ultra-left attitude even if which I believe stems from your real hate of the bougeoisie (that's good) will not move us one step forward but only backward. Warm Regards Bob Malecki --- from list ---
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