Date: Wed, 27 Nov 96 20:02:56 Subject: M-G: The crisis of the LRCI The crisis of the LRCI The huge crisis of the international left urges the constitution of a revolutionary Trotskyist pole of attraction. Unfortunately, the LRCI has ceased to be that. Incapable of understanding the new period the LRCI will be transformed from a healthy organisation to a confused sect if it does not radically change course. The LRCI thought that the social counter-revolutions in the east opened political revolutions and a world revolutionary period. Instead of defending the workers' states and conquests against democratic counter-revolution, they adapted to it. In the workers' states they called for democratic united fronts with imperialist parties to establish parliamentary regimes. For them all the countries east of Germany, even after seven years of open anti- communist capitalist regimes - where financial institutions and big industries are being privatised and a market economy reintroduced - are still workers' states. The LRCI say that in most semi-colonies the working class itself is disappearing while they endorse the PTS characterisation of world situation ... which is that we are seeing a huge workers' offensive and a pre- revolutionary global situation! They describe Bolivia, the only country in the planet which has had at least around one general strike every year for the last 15 years and more than 100 days of general strikes in the last two years, as the country which has suffered a strategic defeat similar to the destruction of the first workers' state. At the same time they can deny the strategic defeats in the 'socialist states'. Despite the fact that they characterise Serbia as a workers' state they called for their defeat by a massive NATO attack ever while asking their own imperialist powers to send arms and men to back their anti-Serb allies. On the national question they are adapting to centralist tendencies inside the imperialist countries. They oppose independence for Quebec, they condemn the Basque national movement as 'completely reactionary', and they oppose any kind of national concession to Scotland despite the fact that 80% of its population are for some degree of autonomy. At the same time they adopted a liberal attitude to the national question in the non-imperialist countries. They advocated the fragmentation of most of the semi-colonies as the starting point of the permanent revolution, when the experiences of Liberia, Lebanon, central Africa, etc. are showing that this could start a process of horrific genocide. In the workers' states they declare their willingness to support every racial- religious group if they want to secede and restore a capitalist state. They adapt to the public opinion inside the imperialist world. They are against the fragmentation of their own states but sympathise with the neo- liberal atomisation of the rest of the world. In Rwanda they tailed the liberal media which supported the Anglophile Tutsi elite army which cleansed two million Hutus. In 1990 they supported the Soviet Army invasion on Azerbaijan while they asked their own imperialist powers to help the Lithuanians (who were popular in the non-Islamic west) against Moscow. In 1981 Workers Power correctly opposed the Jaruselski Stalinist coup in Poland without making any block with the church and the capitalist parties. Nevertheless, ten years later the LRCI called for a united front behind Yeltsin and the capitalist parties to defend the bourgeois parliament. In 1990 they had an opposite line in Rumania and they supported the Stalinist repression of a democratic student demonstration which had less connections with imperialism than Yeltsin. Workers Power was in its first five years a state-capitalist group. In 1980 it decided to shift towards Trotsky's theories and to critically support the USSR in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Keith Harvey's tendency, now dominating the LRCI, opposed that shift. He considered the medievalist CIA-backed Afghan bands as a 'national liberation movement' which should be actively supported against soviet 'expansionism'. He still thinks that in 1927 a bourgeois counter-revolution smashed the workers state and that all the post-capitalist countries where purged bourgeois states. For him the workers' states is only an economic category because politically all of them were bourgeois states since 1927.. That formalistic approach justifies making united fronts with the bourgeois democrats with the aim of destroying totalitarianism. For him it is better to have a parliamentary liberal regime rather than a Communist Party dictatorship. Today Harvey is the great leader and anybody who still wants to consistently defend the positions of Dave Hughes (the architect of the left turn in the early 1980s, now deceased ) will be purged. In Britain Workers Power shifts its policies towards the SLP in nearly every issue of their paper. At the beginning they electorally supported all Labour Party candidates against the SLP. They do no work in the Labour Party but are now trying to influence the creation of a faction inside the SLP which calls for 'more SLP candidates'. When the Latin American and New Zealand sections tried to create a tendency the LRCI answer was to deny opposition rights, to suspend members, to threaten the entire opposition with expulsion and to forbid the use of electronic mail communications.The LRCI is no longer interested in revolutionary regoupment. They say that they have the only revolutionary programme and that every fusion should be around it. In fact, the LRCI leadership can change the programme whenever they wish. For example, the LRCI programme said that in the workers' states it is not possible to advocate a united front with bourgeois parties but the leadership called for fronts with and behind monarchists, nationalists and capitalist forces. No group can sustain these incredible political contra-dictions for long without degenerating into a cult. The LRCI can only reassert its previous politically healthy dynamic by forging a new leadership either from its own resources or, more realistically, by revolutionary regroupment. There is no indication yet on the part of the current leadership of any willingness to do this. --- from list ---
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