Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 16:47:03 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: M-G: NEW MEXICAN GUERRILLA GROUP On Mon, 25 Nov 1996 wrote: > _________________________________________________________________ > > NEW MEXICAN GUERRILLA GROUP EMERGES WITH MANIFESTO > _________________________________________________________________ > > > MEXICO CITY, Nov 21 (Reuter) - A new guerrilla force emerged > on Revolution Day with a manifesto calling for an end to > President Ernesto Zedillo's "anti-popular and repressive" > government, excerpts in several newspapers said on Thursday. > > In the seven-page document, the Revolutionary Army of > Popular Insurgence (ERIP) declared it was an armed force "from > the people and for the people" and demanded Zedillo's > administration resign and call a special assembly to draft a new > constitution. > > The ERIP has not been heard of before but if its existence > is confirmed it would be Mexico's third guerrilla group to arise > in the last three years, after the Zapatista National Liberation > Army (EZLN), which launched an armed rebellion in the southern > state of Chiapas in January 1994, and the Popular Revolutionary > Army (EPR), which appeared in June of this year. > > Zedillo and his key spokesmen were travelling in Asia and > there was no immediate government reaction to the rebel > manifesto, which was sent to media on Wednesday as Mexico > celebrated the 86th anniversary of its 1910 Revolution. > > The ERIP manifesto said it saluted and supported the "heroic > gesture" of the armed struggle launched by the Zapatistas and the > EPR in defence of Mexico's poor. > > "The ERIP is the armed expression of the popular masses who > are rising up to oppose the anti-popular, repressive and servile > policy of the current state which has been usurping power through > fraudulent elections based on a small minority." > > The new group said it was made up of peasants, Indians and > workers as well as nationalist small businessmen who had been > "oppressed and exploited by the PRI-government." The PRI is the > Spanish acronym for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which > has ruled Mexico for the past 67 years. > > ERIP rebel activities would be concentrated in the centre > and north of Mexico, the manifesto said. The Zapatistas have > operated in the southernmost state of Chiapas and the EPR has > mostly attacked in the southern states of Oaxaca and Guerrero. > > The appearance of the ERIP manifesto comes a week after > Zapatista leader Subcommander Marcos said new guerrilla groups > had sprung up in Mexico. "There are three or four armed groups > that the government does not want to recognise in (the states of) > Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Puebla," Marcos said. > > Asked about Marcos's assertion in an interview with Reuters > on Tuesday, Zedillo said he had no knowledge of any new guerrilla > group apart from the Zapatistas or the EPR. "I don't know what > the intelligence sources of Marcos are," he said. "The only thing > I know is the EZLN ... and the EPR." > > El Universal newspaper said on Thursday that locals had > spotted members of the new group since March in the mountains of > the remote Papaloapan region of Oaxaca, about 145 miles (230 km) > southeast of Mexico City near the border with Puebla state. > > Residents in the area believed the new group might be led by > followers of "Commander Red", an army deserter named Jorge > Alberto Vasquez Gallardo who led a small rebel group from 1989 > until he was shot to death by security forces in 1993, it said. > > > > > --- from list --- > Can anybody get the manifesto published by the ERIP in Mexico? It was partially published in "El Financiero", a prominent daily. Thank you, Jose Soto --- from list ---
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