Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 12:41:30 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: Re: Zaire, rwanda and Burundi > > >On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Robert Malecki wrote: > >> >> Once again we see the complete bankruptcy of in this case third world >> nationalism which pits ethnic group against ethnic group, one African nation >> against another while the imperialist FN waits in the sidelines to pick up >> the pieces after a new round of bloodbaths and mass starvation! Siddarth C, (SC) replies to bob; >Once again, a splendid piece of analysis above! So according to Malecki, >the disease of third world nationalism is pitting one ethnic group against >another while the "imperialist FN waits in the side lines to pick up >the pieces" instead of actually instigating such ethnic strife >as history demonstrates on many occasions. The role of the world economic >system as being the major cause of such ethnic eruptions (re-read the >article on Rwanda posted by Ang) is not even mentioned but third-world >savages are once again killing one another to the utter dismay of >"revolution incarnate" Malecki. Firstly SC I would like to mention your change in style! On the old M1 list you sounded more like a reincarnation of Ghandi. Today much tougher. Is it concious or unconcious. Anyhow how the new style is better and clearer--but dead wrong as usual! The above is nothing other then SC's attempt to find a third world "anti-imperialist" struggle to capitulate too! Naturally I do not deny that the World bank plays a very central role in the incredible situation in Africa. But they are being fronted their by the local nationalists and African bougeoisie who are their small time partners in carrying out this stuff. If I rember Ang's article I have no doubt that much of what he says about the world bank is more then likely true. However, finding a solution to the problem is the point. I do not think supporting one side or the other in this case is helpful. Although in certain cases unconditional military support is absolutely correct. For example to the ANC during the Aparthied era without giving one ounce of political support to the ANC. Because their politics could not solve the problem. And the point about Malecki thinking "savages" is a typical third worldist slander! In fact there is not to much difference between the poor and working class concrete jungle and the situation for the African proletariat. Perhaps that they have closer links to the land and peasantry then lets say the European or American proletariat. >Here, "millions upon millions of African toilers", "millions of >foreign nationals in Europe" and the "American black proletariat" are >exhorted by Malecki to join in the revolution in Africa. But curiously, >no mention of the European (Swedish, British, French, etc) or the North >American "white" proletariat to support the revolution (to come!) in >Africa. This and the constant use of the word 'black' to describe >Africa and her people (indulged in by many western intellectuals, for >example "Black Africa") is a pointer to the intense racialism (often >times unconscious) in the western psyche. Actually you have a point here. But it is not the point you think. Actually my original statement could be seen as being a little soft on the third world in raising this in the context you mention. Partially it is because i am extremely concerned about the key role the black American Proletariat will play in any revolution in America and the attacks on foreign nationals in western Europe including Scandinavia. This is because this issue is used to devide the proletariat in these countries. I am in this case on the side of the blascks in America and the foreign nationals in western Europe who suffer under these attacks. I do know that we must find ways to unite the proletariat while at the same time defending those who are getting the most of the shitty end of the stick. So if there is any tendency at all here is a tendency by me to reverse the stick in favor of the blacks and foreign nationals. Not the opposite that SC would like to have the list believe! >"Such people as Malecki with his puffed up phrases... are now the disease >of the age.... Everyone who supports Malecki's group supports the policy >of lies and deception of the workers... it is Malecki's special task... >to throw sand in the eyes of the workers... it is not possible to discuss >essentials with Malecki, for he has no views... we merely expose him as >a diplomatist of the meanest description. Not really! The only disease here SC is your search for and anti-imperialist movement and progressive nationalist movements to support. Our program is based on the International struggle of classes. The only sand that is being thrown around here is that the popular front politics of the Stalinist and Menshevik anti-imperialist movements of the 60ties and the early 70ties is on the decline. The struggle of the international Proletariat is once again coming to the fore. The student movement and petty bougeois intellectuals that thrived on this stuff are in a frenzy because of this. Much of the discussion on the "search for the western proletariat" is a confirmation of the desperation of this trend. Ta Ha SC, perhaps you should join a Trotskyist orgasnisation and get involved in some of the future great struggles. Why even Adam's state cap group would be a step forward for you! > >This bloc is composed of lack of principle, hypocrisy and empty phrases... >Malecki covers them by the revolutionary phrase, which costs him nothing >and binds him to nothing. The above says nothing. It is SC howling in the wind! >Malecki... as always, entirely disagrees with the social-chauvinists in >principle, but agrees with them in everything in practice. Don't really know what you mean SC by this. Perhaps you could be more clearer! >The name Malecki signifies: Left phraseology and a bloc with the right >against the aim of the left." Talking about phraseology the above is a good example. >I have borrowed the above descriptions from Lenin's periodic characteri- >zations of Trotsky whose name has been substituted by that of Malecki. >Just to show that the phenomenon we are dealing with here is quite old >and has a rich history. Really! If it is true. Was it quotes from Trotsky's Menshevik position on the party question. Or something else. Please by all means bring the quotes to the list. Or is this just some more of the Stalinist school of falsification SC? Bob Malecki --- from list ---
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