File spoon-archives/marxism-general.archive/marxism-general_1996/96-12-01.070, message 38

Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 12:41:39 +0100 (MET)
Subject: M-G: Re: M-I: new voice? (fwd)

Malecki writes;
>>The above is a bunch of ultra-left romantism at best and proves that Neil 
>>has no tactics at all except going out into the desert and screaming 

Mauro jr. replies;

>Mauro jr.
>Thus you and your fellows are stating that Engels was a ultra-left romantic.
>If you studied a bit the M-E works, instead of the soc-dem lecturers of
>them, you'd discover that what Neil wrote is what Engels wrote (several
>articles on the Labour Standard (1881) and does not apply only to this epoch
>but to the capitalist period as a whole. You would also know that "tactics"
>in itself means nothing at the best and bourgeois politics at the worst, if
>it's not stright descending form "strategy".

What is the above drivel??

>And, as the strategy, for communists is the assault to the bourgeois state
>and to the capitalism for freeing the labor from the wage system and
>humanity from the need (and so on) and nothing else, you would know that, in
>order to prepare the assault, the revolutionaries have to promote the real
>organs of/for it. And we discovered since long that those organs are not the
>unions (for the reasons Neil gave) but something else.

Yes the drivel is Mauro jr wandering out into the desert with Neil! 
"Assaulting" the bougeois state indeed! You people can not see even the 
elementry class organisations of the proletariat, the trade unions, but 
prefer to hop on your r-r-r-revolutionary high horse and wander off into the 
desert! And promoting the *real*
organs of the proletariat like workers counsils and Soviets. Wow! I am 

Impressed with your complete lack of understanding and and principles of any 
kind of working class struggle in the day to day fights. Leaving these 
struggles to the reformist and pro capitlist traitors who unfortunately lead 
the unions is nothing other then deserting the working class and leaving 
them in the hands of these traitors. 

Mauro jr:
>This is simply false. Soviets, workers councils  and similar names for the
>same reality always replaced properly the unions.The workers movement's
>history shows that when those organs failed their "historical roles and
>goals"they changed in ... unions, as a signal of the defeat. The recent
>experience in Poland 80 is there to confirm this "rule" up to the
>imperialist and decadent period of capitalism. Actually the workers councils
>in themselves are the mass organs of the workers for the material clash with
>the bosses and capitalism, but all the bourgeois and petty bourgeois
>tendencies work in them (from the classic reformists to the radical-'new'
>reformists) and if the revolutionary political organisation lacks or  fails
>to get the political leadership of the fight, those tendencies get it and
>the movement is driven to the defeat.
>Here arise a bulk of political, strategical and tactical problem that you
>and your fellows simply cannot realize and approach.

Bullshit! Trade unions were not replaced but complemented by Soviets or 
other organs of Proletarian power. And you make the same mistake about the 
Polish trade unions that you make on unions in general. You throw out the 
baby with the bath water. Instead of putting the blame on the leadership of 
the Polish Solidarnosc' and its alliance with the chatolic church--you blame 
the union, a mass organisation of the Polish Proletariat as a whole! How 
quaint Mauro!

And as far as workers counsils (Soviets) are concerned you are just jumping 
the gun and trying to artifically produce something which will come 
naturally in a pre-revolutionary or revolutionary situation! This is just 
fake revolutionary rhetoric that just won,t work. You want to take a 
highroad to r-r-r-revolution! No nitty gritty tactics for the mass 
organisations like the trade unions. Other then condemning them and in 
practice leaving them in the hands of the present leadership. In other words 
DESERTERS of living class struggle. A petty bougeois tendency that wants to 
go off into the wilderness and howl at the moon!

Once again I tell you my friends. I really think that you do hate the 
bougeoisie and the reformist and pro-capitalist traitors in the trade 
unions. Unfortunately you have no tactics and no program to smash this 
system. As the anarchists you will only play a small by role in the great 
events which we will be facing in the future. If you really want to become 
Communist revolutionaries I suggest that you drop completely your ultra-left 
childness on the trade union question. Perhaps then and seeking out a real 
Communist or even Socialist organisation and reprograming your present 
trajectory this can change. 

Warm Regard
Bob Malecki

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