Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 16:49:20 +0100 (MET) Subject: M-G: Sweden:Report from massive workers protest! > >Taking a lot of this stuff from the USec,newspaper,tv and radio coverage. My >11 year old has been sick with the flu so I couldn,t get to some of my other >sources of info. > >About 5,000 (!) people took part in the march on parliment against the >Social Democratic government and its bougeois allies in the Center party >last Tuesday. Naturally the National TV and radio tried to play this down, >some saying "thousands" and others very low estimates of "a few thousand, >etc. The National media also tried to play it up as a "far left" >mobilization and the "far left" arising from the grave to "use" the >situation that has developed in the country. However the degree of lying >depended on which National Channel one watches. However all of them tried to >play down this demonstration and its meaning! > >Naturally this was a big falsehood because this was a very powerful >manifestation of grass roots working class people who have been the >backbone of electoral support of the Social Democracy in this country. In >fact many of them had never been to a demonstration before in their lifes! >Although the left was present and quite vocal and with a fairly large >proportion of paper proganda of the varying sort, the left is no longer the >place that can draw big numbers to a demonstration. In fact the left >numerically has never been so small as it is today in this country. As to >political line I can not say to much about the left as I have not had a >chance to look at their newspapers. > >However,what is driving these people out on the streets (certainly not the >left) is the incredible speed that the Social democrats along with their >bougeois allies have continued the policy of dismantling the "welfare" state >in this country. In fact they have done far more in tearing down the reforms >then the previous bougeois government. That government could only run up an >incredible debt of billions upon billions of crowns to save the banks which >were on the verge of crashing in the early ninties. The price of bailing out >the banks was going into foreign debt for billions upon billions of crowns >naturally can be layed at the door of the former bougeois government, but it >is the Social Democrats in power that made the cuts in all of the systems >and reinforced mass unemployment on a scale which has not been seen since >the depression! > >The demonstration brought people in busload after busload from the entire >country. It would have beem twice the number, but there are thousands like >myself who have to choose between the busfare and food for your kids! Many >of the busses were organised by the local trade union sections throughout >the country! And some people had to ride buses over 1000 kilometers in order >to demonstrate against the Social Democratic government and did! > >Not only that they did it in opposition to the central trade union >bureaucracy who first went out and said that they did NOT support the >mobilisation. Only a day later sending a fax out over the country claiming >that this was all a buig mistake and that they did support the >demonstration. In fact the central trade union bureaucracy are loyal to the >hilt to the Social Democratic government and did everything they could to >try and sabotage the demonstration with out right lies and falsifications. >Especially the powerful Metall union bureaucracy. One has to on the other >hand say "Hats off" to the Transport Union who did everything in its power >to help mobilise for the demonstration. They also have taken the famous four >child mother who started all of this under their wing. Although their are >some doubts naturally about the ultimate motiv of some of these people who >filling the pressure did help to mobilise. Only perhaps too later on down >the road make a deal of some sort and sell us out. Let us hope that this is >not the case. Another union which was split on the issue was the biggest >trade union in Sweden "Kommunal". Where in some sections they tried to >mobilize and in others did absolutely nothing to help mobilise. This is sort >of the general trade union picture all along the line. The grass roots are >getting desperate and beginning to organise themselves and the trade union >bureucracy is split between loyalists who openly try to smash this >mobilisation to the center which gives half hearted support on paper and >serious people that want to really fight and bring down this Social >Democratic government! > >Back to the demonstration which was felt right into the halls of the >parliment! A meeting with the finance minister and the trade union >bureaucracy in Metals "council for labor negoiations" to be held at 1:15 PM >while the demonstration was to start at 1:00PM. A member of the United >Secretariat and trade union activist and four representatives of the >powerful miners union walked out of the meeting to take part in the >demonstration! While the others sat their as the loyal lackies of the >politics of the Social Democratic government who were responsible for the >fact that 15,000 angry protesters were marching on the parliment. Another >Social Democrat representative of the parliment standing outside the >parliment in a camelhair long winter coat which probably cost more then most >workers make in a month! Was free to give interviews to the assembled >press,TV and Radio about how this demo was a Communist plot! And even a lot >of his friends had been in the demonstration. > >In his speech to the demonstration at the parliment Anton Flink (chairman of >the Malmo section of the Transport Union among other things if the >government won't listen to us then " the people should disolve this >government and elect a new one" and "we are so many here today that if we >were all to spit the government would drowned!". And this demonstration is a >lot of people beginning to gather the slem in their throats to spit with! >And in and interview with a reporter he said that "We are protesting against >this anti-democratic government and its anti-people politics which Goran >Persson (the prime minister) and is god damned supporters are for!" > >Social democratic parlimentry representatives were enraged that this speaker >and longtime Social Democrat got up and made this speech after a well know >actor who sympathizes with the ex maoist KPML-r who in the 60ties and 70ties >had the line of a "red front" against the Social democrats and the trade >unions. Naturally this was a show by these parlimentry cretians to paint the >whole demonstration up as some sort of anti-Social Democratic Communist >conspiracy! > >The unemployed and the long time sick organisations which are beginning to bloom >all over this country was also represented and many had there own placards >done at home that they brought with them to the demonstration. And over 40 >trade unions with their flags went at the head of the demonstration with a >brass band singing the International! So this was hardly a Communist >conspiracy but a rebellion by the grass roots against the Social Democratic top! > >The powerful miners union warned the government that if this demonstration >did not get the government to back down on the anti-trade union legislation >that we belong to a generation that was in the big miners strikes in >1969-1979 and even if we have pensions some of us now we are well aquainted >with how to fought a battle.The delegation from the miners union in Kiruna >in the far north recieved the following message from the workers in the >mines. "When you get down their to Stockholm twist Persson's nose until >there is nothing left but flour!" Also the miners union is now calling for a >political strike in the beginning of December when the new anti-trade union >legislation will be voted on. > >The stock market reacted to the demonstration with a warning that this kind >of activity would drive up the interest rates! A clear warning to the Social >Democratic government that they had better not back down on this issue. >Commentators are saying that the Social Democratic government can hardly >back down now that they have put so much pretige into cutting the deficit. > >The labor market minister in the government (a womam) as alreadt claimed >that this anti-trade union legislation is good for women. Thus trying to >make this a "feminist" question and splitting the working class! > >And the struggle is only beginning because the bosses are already calling >for more anti-worker and trade union legislation along the lines of Forced >arbitration on contract negoiations,forbidding sympathy strikes, taking a >vote in a factory before going on strike in other words wripping the only >serious weapon the working class has out of the hands of the workers and the >trade unions. And the government and the central trade union bureaucrats >loyal to the government are prepared to discuss these purposals with the bosses. > >Thus the present trend is much like what is going on Internationally in the >Labor Parties. The leadership mostly intellectuals at the top + a good dos >of relatives ans sons and grandsons of the leadership are deserting the >working class with a turn towards the middle class and the bougeoisie. But >what is different here in Sweden is that we are not seeing the typical labor >vs conservative governments--but a labor government confronted by the >working class for its desertion and betrayal of the working class. Thus we >do not have the situation like in England as well as NZ and Australia about >which wing of the Social Democracy to capituilate to in order to stop a >conservative government. Or in the United States the worser of two evils >debate that the Democratic party labor fakers use to fool the workers. In >fact we have the reformist traitors exactly where we want them. In power and >exposing themselves to the working for what they *really* represent. However >we do have the danger of the traditionalists who want to go back to the good >old times. The Euro Communist who want to become good Social democrats and >diverse left groups that are tailing events instead of trying to lead them. >Out of this mess a cristalization must take place turning it into a tool of >recruiting the most militant and determined workers to a party which can >quickly grow from a small sect to a party with mass influence in the workers >movement. Because the conditions for a political split between the base and >the top are rippening far more quickly then the material for a vanguard >party. This connected to the complete bankruptcy of the Social Democracy and >the neo-Stalinist Euro-Communist party can mean that a small Trotskyist >party of cadre can find themselves quickly leading mass struggles in the future. > >The present attack against the trade unions and the working class must be >seen in the light of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union connected >to a world wide offensive against the working class and its organisations in >the wake of this historical event! No longer having the Stalinist led Soviet >Union to deal with the cold war has gone over to a hot war directed at the >working class Internationally to roll back the gains not only won because of >the October Revolution but all of the gains made since the second world war. > >Only a party that understands this connection, but also understands all of >the historical betrayals in both tactics and politics of the reformist >Social Democracy and the politics of the Stalinists Internationally over the >last decades and who has the politics,tactics and program which can show the >way forward. That is a party which encompises the historical theroretical >gains of the Bolshevik Party, the first four congresses of the third >International, the Left opposition of Trotsky and the founding documents of >the Fourth International can show the way forward. > >Thus solving the crisis of leadership and the construction of a >Revolutionary International. > >Warm Regards >Bob Malecki > > > > --- from list ---
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